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Provincial Farmers ‘Association: Emulation to welcome 10th congress for 2023-2028 tenure

Update: 14-08-2023 | 10:54:47

Towards the 10th congress of provincial Farmers' Association for the 2023-2028 tenure, besides urgently preparing contents, being ready to hold the congress, the association has launched emulation activities to spread the spirit of solidarity, integration and development.

The Executive Board of the 9th provincial Farmers’ Association has just held its 13th meeting to approve the content of documents and program of the 10th Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure. Besides, the association approved the draft list of delegates attending the 8th Congress of the Vietnam Farmers’ Association for the 2023-2028 tenure; carried out the process of obtaining votes of confidence for leaders and managers.

Provincial Farmers' Association organizes the awards ceremony of the photo contest on agriculture, farmers and rural areas

As planned, the 10th Congress of provincial Farmers’ Association for the 2023-2028 tenure will be held on August 24 and 25. On August 23, provincial Farmers’ Association will hold the opening of an exhibition of agricultural products. The conference will approve the summary of the draft report for the 2018-2023 tenure; elect the Executive Board of the 10th provincial Farmers’ Association; elect a delegation to attend the 8th Congress of the Vietnam Farmers' Association for the 2023-2028 tenure. For the association to promote its central and pivotal role in emulation movements, the 10th provincial Farmers’ Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure will set out key tasks for the new tenure, with the spirit of "Solidarity - Innovation - Cooperation - Development".

As part of the activities towards welcoming the congress, provincial Farmers’ Association has just held a ceremony to summarize and award the 2023 beautiful photography contest on agriculture, farmers and rural areas with the theme of "Binh Duong’s beauty of agriculture, farmers, rural areas”. According to the evaluation of the Organizing Board, most of the works were from members in the province with beautiful moments and quality about the beauty of the local agriculture, farmers and rural areas. Of these, there were works on agricultural models with science and technology such as the models of growing abalone mushrooms, netted muskmelons...

The works showed the spirit of labor, creativity, application of science and technology in agricultural production and are typical images of Binh Duong farmers in the renewal period. The images at the contest were also a rich source of materials for propaganda and exhibition at the congress while expressing the goals and aspirations of cadres and members to unite, organize the association's activities and farmers' movement more and more strongly.

In addition, provincial Farmers’ Association also preliminarily reviewed the first launch of a special emulation campaign to welcome Farmers ‘Association congresses at all levels towards the 10th provincial Farmers ‘Association Congress and the 8th Congress of Vietnam Farmers’ Associations for the 2023-2028 tenure. Accordingly, a large number of members participated in implementing many practical and meaningful works, contributing to adorning the image of the homeland. They include the works of making "Urban Civilization Route", "Model Route", "Quarter without waste"; upgrading 20km of rural roads... In addition, provincial Farmers ‘Associations at all levels also mobilized to build and upgrade 5 charity houses with total cost of VND100 million...

Continuing implementing the second emulation campaign, provincial Farmers’Association will organize many meaningful activities such as organizing a dialogue between provincial People's Committee Chairman and farmers on organizing the implementation of provincial policies for agricultural development, farmers and rural areas; holding a talk show on solutions to improve the quality of cooperation between the association and sectors. Especially, the association will organize the 2023 provincial outstanding farmers and hold the program "Pride of Binh Duong farmers". Provincial Farmers ‘Associations all levels will also replicate new, creative, exemplary, advanced models; organize a workshop "Building modern and civilized farmers", "Festival of start-up and digital transformation"...

These exciting emulation activities will create motivation for provincial Farmers ‘Associations at all levels to successfully complete the targets and tasks of the association and farmers’ movements in the new tenure.

As planned, the 10th provincial Farmers ‘Association Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure will take place on August 24 and 25. On August 23, provincial Farmers’ Association will kick off an exhibition on agricultural products. The congress will approve the summary of the draft report for the 2018-2023 tenure; elect the Executive Board of the 10th provincial Farmers’ Association; elect delegates to attend the 8th Congress of the Vietnam Farmers' Association for the 2023-2028 tenure...

Reported by Kim Tuyen-Translated by Kim Tin

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