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Provincial FFC obviously upholds its role in election

Update: 11-05-2021 | 12:39:02

Over the past time, along with the entire political system, provincial FFCs at all levels have actively participated in preparation for the elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure. Upholding the role and responsibility of provincial FFCs at all levels has contributed to basically completing preparatory work for the elections in accordance with the law and on schedule.

The elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure are the major political event of the country in 2021. To contribute to the success of the elections, provincial FFCs at all levels have actively implemented preparatory work.

Provincial FFC coordinates with relevant agencies to hold meetings between the candidates for the 15th  National Assembly, provincial People's Council for the 2021-2026 tenure and voters

Accordingly, provincial FFCs at all levels have continued obviously expressing their responsibility in organizing consultative conferences in order to select and recommend candidates to the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels; participated in monitoring the elections of deputies to the National Assembly and People's Council deputies at all levels, thereby promoting the strength of the entire people in participating in election work. This is one of important tasks done by provincial FFCs at all levels, showing the role of “Being the political base of the people's administration; representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the people; gathering and promoting the strength of great national solidarity, exercising democracy, strengthening social consensus; making social monitoring and criticism; participating in building the Party and State ”.

Along with the organization of consultative conferences, provincial FFC has monitored election preparation of the local election committees and FFCs. Nguyen Huynh Dinh, Vice-Chairman of provincial FFC said that from now until the election day, especially on the election day (May 23), provincial FFCs continue monitoring the voting at constituencies; the list of voters… in accordance with the law. In addition, provincial FFC will continue coordinating with member organizations, press agencies in and out of the province to promote propaganda about the law on election among people so that they can choose the most deserving representatives to participate in the State power agencies at central and local levels. On the other hand, provincial FFC will focus on grasping the situation of public opinion, raising vigilance and fighting against false information about the elections.

Provincial FFCs at all levels  have coordinated with the People's Committees at constituencies  to hold meetings between the candidates for the National Assembly, provincial People's Council and voters. The meetings must be conducted democratically, openly, equally in accordance with the law. The organization of the meetings must also ensure Covid-19 prevention and control under the guidance of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Standing Committee.

With the participation of the whole political system, the proactivity and activeness of provincial Fatherland Front Committees at all levels, it is believed that the elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021- 2026 tenure in the province will be successful; thereby electing typical deputies who deserve to represent the will and aspirations of the people, the ownership of the people in central and local State power agencies, meeting the requirements of a socialist state ruled by law and of the People, by the People and for the People.

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by K.T

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