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Provincial leader receives delegation of Daejeon city’s Council from South Korea

Update: 16-02-2023 | 12:32:11

*Provincial People's Council and Daejeon city’s Council sign MoU on strengthening friendship cooperation

*Provincial leader welcomes Italian Consul General

On the afternoon of February 15, Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation received a delegation of Daejeon city’s Council from South Korea, led by Lee Sang Rae, Chairman of the Council.

At the reception, Binh Duong provincial Party Committee Secretary welcomed the council’s visit while highly appreciating South Korean businesses investing in Binh Duong, contributing to sustainable socio-economic development towards Binh Duong smart city in the future. Provincial Party Committee Secretary also wanted Daejeon city’s Council and South Korean businesses to further invest in Binh Duong, especially in high-tech fields and have cultural exchange activities to tighten up the fine relationship between the two peoples of Vietnam – South Korea in general and of Binh Duong province and Daejeon city in particular.

Mr. Lee Sang Rae thanked provincial leaders for their efforts in supporting South Korean businesses to effectively work over the past time. He hoped that provincial leaders will continue actively supporting these businesses to take fruits here.

*On the afternoon of the same day, provincial People's Council Standing Committee had a working session with the delegation of Daejeon city’s Council. The event was attended by Nguyen Hoang Thao, Pernament Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, leaders of provincial People's Council, People's Committee, departments and sectors.

At the working session, Nguyen Truong Nhat Phuong, Vice-Chairwoman of provincial People's Council said that Binh Duong and Daejeon city signed a friendship cooperation agreement in 2005. In 2006, Binh Duong provincial People's Council and Daejeon city’s Council officially signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on exchange and cooperation relations. Accordingly, the two localities implemented many activities to exchange high-ranking delegations; diversified cooperation in many fields, especially in the elective ones, tightening the relationship between Binh Duong province and Daejeon city, actively contributing to the socio-economic development of each locality.

Mrs. Phuong also informed the delegation of the local socio-economic situation in 2022. South Korea is currently ranked 5th among countries and territories investing in Binh Duong with 760 projects, total capital of US$ 3.3 billion. She also informed the delegation of the activities of the elected body for the 2021-2026 tenure.

At the working session, leaders of Binh Duong province and Daejeon city openly discussed the two sides’ strong cooperation relationship in culture, investment and development. Provincial People's Council and Daejeon city’s Council signed a MoU on strengthening friendship cooperation. The two sides will strive to build a strategic partnership between local authorities, the private sector and citizen groups based on mutual respect and trust. The two sides regularly share information and experience in the operation of elected bodies; actively promote exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, education, tourism, creating opportunities in economic and trade development, and science and technology fields for mutual benefit.

*On the same day, Enrico Padula, Consul General of Italy in Ho Chi Minh city and his delegation paid a courtesy visit to Binh Duong. Nguyen Van Danh, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee received the delegation at provincial Administration Center.

At the reception, Mr. Danh informed the delegation of the local outstanding achievements in socio-economic development and investment attraction. As of now, the province has lured here 8 investment projects from Italian enterprises with total capital of nearly US$ 64 million, operating mainly in the field of manufacturing products related to shoes, bags and fashion accessories.

Mr. Enrico Padula spoke highly of the dynamic and creative development of Binh Duong province. Through this visit, he wanted to learn more about the local investment climate to introduce and call for many potential Italian investors to Binh Duong for cooperation and expansion in the field of scientific research, infrastructure development, construction while hoping that the province will further accompany, create conditions as well as having better policies to attract and support investment for enterprises.

Reported by Ho Van-Translated by Kim Tin

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