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Provincial leader receives leader of South Korea’s Daejeon city

Update: 27-01-2018 | 11:17:07

On the afternoon of January 26, Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee received and worked with Lee Taek Ku, Deputy Mayor of Daejeon city in South Korea.

Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People’s Committee receives Lee Taek, Deputy Mayor of Daejeon city in South Korea.

At the reception, Mr.Lee Taek Ku thanked provincial leaders for their warm welcome. He said that since the agreement on friendship and cooperation between Binh Duong and Daejeon was signed in 2015, the two sides have had exchange activities in the fields of culture, education, sci-tech…In 2018, he wants that Binh Duong will coordinate with relevant organizations to organize activities in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the World Technopolis Association (WTA), thereby contributing to boosting the local sci-tech development…

Mr.Dung expressed his delight at the fine friendship and cooperation between Binh Duong and Daejeon during the past 12 years. He also spoke highly of production-business and social charity activities by South Korean businesses in the province. He stressed that Binh Duong is ready to participate in and support activities of the WTA while wanting that Daejeon will further advocate Binh Duong in the realization of the Project on smart city development. He believes that the relations between the two localities will continue flying higher and reaching a new height.

Reported by Duy Chi-Translated by K.T

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