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Provincial leaders visit and work with the Korean Ambassador to Vietnam

Update: 18-01-2024 | 09:47:33

Early January 17, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation and Nguyen Van Danh, Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee and provincial delegation visited and worked with the Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Youngsam in Hanoi.

Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Van Loi (left) visits and works with the Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Youngsam

At the reception, Mr. Choi Youngsam spoke highly of Binh Duong’socio-economic development, especially industrial development. Binh Duong is an attractive destination for Korean investors. Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Van Loi briefly introduced the local socio-economic situation as well as the local development orientation in the coming period. Particularly, the province is focusing on attracting new generation investment, green, sustainable and smart development. Currently, Binh Duong is motivating the Ho Chi Minh City - Chon Thanh expressway, forming up an urban industrial belt. Binh Duong is also one of the localities with the high urbanization rate of 84%...Provincial Party Secretary hopes that the Korean Embassy will continue supporting Binh Duong to promote cooperation with Korean localities and partners in the fields of industrial development and smart city construction, especially in the high technology, environmentally friendly, green energy ones...

It is expected that in May 2024, the Korean Embassy in Vietnam will coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam and Binh Duong province to organize the "Meet Korea 2024" program in Binh Duong province.

Reported by Ngoc Thanh-Translated by Kim Tin

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