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Provincial leaders visit, congratulate local press agencies

Update: 21-06-2016 | 12:41:42

On the afternoon of June 20, Tran Van Nam, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee and Tran Thanh Liem, Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee visited and congratulated Binh Duong newspaper and some other press agencies in the province on the occasion of the 91st anniversary of Vietnam’s Revolutionary Press Day (June 21, 1925-June 21, 2016).

Tran Van Nam (third right), Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee and Tran Thanh Liem (second right), Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee together with leader of provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Propaganda and Education presenting flowers and giving congratulations to Binh Duong newspaper

At the meeting, Nguyen Quang Hiep, Chairman of provincial Journalists’ Association, Editor-in chief of Binh Duong newpaper reported on the implementation of the newspaper’s tasks, the association’s activities over the past time and several major orientations in the coming time.

On behalf of provincial leaders, Mr.Nam spoke highly of achievements done by Binh Duong newspaper over the past time. All staff of Binh Duong newspaper spared no efforts to well realize propaganda work. “Binh Duong’s current success has also come from great contributions by press agencies, including Binh Duong newspaper”, he emphasized. Also according to him, reporters need to be valiant, opportunely honoring good deeds while reflecting bad ones…

Mr.Liem also highly appreciated the efforts and contributions by Binh Duong newspaper in comprehensively reflecting a vivid picture of the socio-economic, political, cultural life as well as national defense-security of the province, contributing to well realizing the local tasks on socio-economic development. He wanted that all staff of Binh Duong newspaper will well fulfill propaganda work, deserving to be the voice of the province’s Party, government and people.

Prior to that, Mr.Nam and Mr.Liem visited and extended greetings to representative offices of Nhan Dan (People) newspaper and Vietnam News Agency in the province. Mr.Nam spoke highly of the contributions by the two units in propaganda work, helping the province well carry out the local targets on socio-economic development, national defence-security over the past time. On this occasion, he wished leaders and reporters of the two units more successes.

The two leaders also visited and extended greetings to Binh Duong Television-Radio Station. They acknowledged and spoke highly of the efforts by all staff here while wanting that they will surmount drawbacks to continue well realizing entrusted political tasks. On this occasion, provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee and Fatherland Front Committee presented flowers and gave congratulations to the station.

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by K.T

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