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Provincial leaders visit, encourage frontline anti-Covid-19 forces in Di An

Update: 04-11-2021 | 10:57:17

On the afternoon of November 3, a delegation of provincial Party Committee led by Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee visited and encouraged the frontline anti-Covid-19 forces in Di An city. Joining the delegation was also Nguyen Van Loc, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission, Chairman of provincial Fatherland Front Committee.

Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Vice-Secretary of provincial Party Committee and Nguyen Van Loc, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission, Chairman of provincial Fatherland Front Committee donate money to the local frontline anti-Covid-19 forces

At the meeting, Mr. Thao praised the anti-pandemic spirit of the local frontline forces and acknowledged the solidarity and consensus of the whole political system and people here as a decisive factor in bringing the locality anti-epidemic results. He suggested the city to further uphold results done in Covid-19 prevention and control in the "new normal" state while noting that leaders of the city need to closely follow the leadership and direction of the province for the roadmap on socio-economic recovery in association with effective control and safe, flexible adaptation to Covid-19 pandemic.

On this occasion, the delegation also donated VND 300 million to the local frontline anti-Covid-19 forces.

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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