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Provincial People’s Committee Chairman Le Thanh Cung: Paying attention to urban development, health care…

Update: 07-12-2013 | 00:00:00
On December 6th, reporting on conclusions implementing provincial socioeconomic developing plans in 2014 at the 10th session of the VIII tenure provincial People’s Council, provincial People’s Committee (PPC) Chairman Le Thanh Cung said that most representative’s opinions being unanimous in reports of socioeconomic, defense security conditions in 2013; orientations and duties in 2014 and some presented contents at the session. This was an important basis for PPC to evaluate achievements as well as limitations in management. Thereby, unification between sectors, agencies and people in performing duties of Resolutions in 2014 was created. Chairman Le Thanh Cung Instituting Binh Duong province to become first-class urban areaAccording to Mr. Cung, in 2013, provincial People’s Council’s Resolution set forth 28 key targets including 13 economic targets, 8 social ones, and 7 environmental ones. Despite common difficulties, key targets were fulfilled and surpassed results in 2012, namely, 18/28 targets were accomplished and even higher than in 2012. Some unfulfilled targets were however better than results of 2012.In field of urban management, some representatives still concerned with the absence of Regulations of urban control, actions of illegal selling of land plots, illegal construction. Mr. Cung informed that the province’s development orientation is urban cluster gathered towards the south and northern satellite towns, including Thu Dau Mot and Binh Duong New City as the urban center, paving the way for instituting Binh Duong province to become the first-class urban area by 2020. Therefore, devising planning and promulgating Regulations of planning management are imperative duties.PPC assigned Department of Construction to study well developing urban cities in order to give advises to PPC on endorsement of Planning Management Regulation firstly for TDM City, Thuan An town, and Di An town. Currently, Construction Department is collecting opinions of people living in these 3 localities for the Regulation issued within December 2013 by PPC.Paying attention to the environmentMr. Cung assessed, at the present, environmental pollution is gradually in control, thanks to increasing monitoring and controlling of authorities and improved conscious of environmental protection. Nevertheless, environmental pollution still occurs. PPC directed appropriate authorities to make a list of facilities causing pollution to relocate or convert its function. In 2011 and 2012, PPC released the list of 32 facilities polluting the environment and must be relocated away from residential areas. By now, about 75% of facilities listed in the 1st phase and 50% of facilities in the 2nd phase will complete relocating timely.Regarding clearance and compensation, the PPC’s Chairman said, the construction of some roads is slow, because of clearance and compensation, sidewalk encroachment affecting constructive progress and traffic safety. Thus, the provincial government is concentrating extremely and determinedly on tackling clearance and compensation, notably traffic safety. PPC has also allotted responsibilities, competence, and budget to localities for management and repair of river canals. Concerning penalties for late tax payment, handling of tax arrears, Mr. Cung said, penalties for late tax payment were regulated by laws and resolutions of the Central Government. On the other hand, provincial government has sympathized with difficulties faced by enterprises. Hence, preferential tax policies of Central Government’s resolutions have been applied seriously by the province in order to solve problems, create favorable conditions for companies. Regarding settling tax arrears, the current total tax arrears of the province is VND2,388bln, increasing 41% compared to the beginning of this year. Tax arrears have been handled procedurally so that enterprises can overcome difficulties, stabilize manufacturing, and simultaneously fulfill tax obligations.Prioritizing health care and educationAccording to Chairman Le Thanh Cung, in the 2013-2014 school year, the province has more 25,100 pupils of all grades, mainly of preschool and primary education gathering at industrial parks, residential areas. Therefore, demand of investing in educational sector is extremely urgent. Although the province allots annually 30% of provincial budget to education, it has not satisfied the demand yet. Therefore, in the short-run, the province will allocate lands and financial investment to develop solidified and standardized school system; mobilize investing sources to enhance kindergartens, primary schools satisfying urgent needs of the 3 residential areas of TDM City, Thuan An town, and Di An town. In the long run, PPC will implement radical solutions accompanied with persuading investors of industrial parks, clusters, and provincial southern enterprises outside industrial parks to relocate northwards or convert function in order to develop service – urban and social welfare projects. Regarding project of 1,500-bed General Hospital, this is an A-group, first level project on an area of 13.6ha, requiring 1/2,000 and 1/500 planning. In the process of project preparation and assessment, apart from collecting opinions of municipal bodies, localities, opinions of some central agencies like Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Health and Department of Fire preventing and fighting must be brought together.“In 2014, the province will focus on tackling difficulties of business and manufacture, implementing Central’s guidelines, policies in terms of stabilizing the economy, restructuring investment, innovating enterprises, improving role and effectiveness State’s management in urban planning, natural resources and environmental management, coping proactively with climate change and other fields”, affirmed PPC Chairman Le Thanh Cung. Responding to opinions on improving health check’s quality, developing personnel to ensure effective operation of newly established hospitals, Mr. Cung said, PPC increased investment in health sector from State budget and socialization to renovate, expand health facilities, especially provincial General Hospital. Ministry of Health investigated and appreciated merging of 3 units into a district-level Health Center, which is running effectively. Currently, the province is renovating, upgrading facilities of General Hospital, increasing by 800 sickbeds to satisfy health care needs of people. Reported by H.Van – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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