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Provincial People's Council Standing Committee monitors the results of resolving voters' petitions

Update: 24-11-2023 | 12:46:55

On the afternoon of November 23, provincial People's Council Standing Committee held a session to monitor the results of resolving voters' petitions sent to the 11th session of the 10th provincial People’s Council. Nguyen Van Loc, Member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of provincial People's Council chaired the session.

At the session, Tran Thi Minh Hanh, Head of provincial People's Council’s Economic - Budget Committee reported the results of verification from the committees of provincial People's Council on resolving voters' petitions sent to the 11th session of the 10th provincial People's Council. Accordingly, most of the recommendations were answered clearly, with implementation progress, basically meeting the requirements of the local voters.

For answers that voters did not agree with and continued recommending, they were accepted by provincial People's Committee, directing specialized departments and sectors to further consider and respond. The rate of petitions being received, considered, resolved and answered was 100%. There were 144 out of 202 petitions received and resolved, reaching 71.28% of total. The committees of provincial People's Council also requested provincial People's Committee, departments and sectors to further pay attention to, direct and resolve the remaining petitions of voters... At the session, delegates highly agreed with the results of resolving voters' petitions, demonstrating the responsibility of local authorities for voters’ legitimate expectations.

Concluding the session,  Mr. Loc said that provincial People's Council Standing Committee acknowledged and spoke highly of the direction and administration of provincial People's Committee, the sense of responsibility of departments, sectors and localities in answering and resolving voters' petitions. He also requested provincial People's Committee to further direct departments, sectors and localities to focus on removing obstacles in order to soon settle the remaining ones recommended by the local voters. The committees of provincial People's Council, representative groups and delegates of provincial People's Council continue supervising and monitoring departments, sectors and localities in resolving voters' petitions...

Reported by Do Trong-Translated by Kim Tin

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