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Provincial Red Cross Society acts for humanity

Update: 08-05-2013 | 00:00:00

“150 years of humanitarian action” is this year’s theme of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Also with the goal, provincial Red Cross Societies at all levels have got involved in social charity activities for the poor, the disabled and Agent Orange (AO) victims, helping them overcome difficulties and rise up.

Program “Tet for the poor and AO victims”

One of significant activities made by provincial Red Cross Societies at all levels is to bring gifts to the poor, the disabled and AO victims on the occasion of the annual Tet (lunar New Year) festival.

Tran Thi Lien, Chairwoman of provincial Red Cross Society said that there were nearly 42,000 Tet gifts worth more than VND11bln mobilized for the poor, the disabled and AO victims during the Tet festival 2013.  

 A delegation from provincial Red Cross Society and its Volunteers’ Club visiting and presenting gifts to the blind in Thuan An town

“Each organization, each individual should stick to a humanitarian address”

The campaign of “Each organization, each individual should stick to a humanitarian address” has upheld its efficiency, connecting donors with unfortunate fates after four-year implementation.

According to Mrs.Lien, the campaign has received enthusiastic response from mass organizations, enterprises, donors in and out of the province and become a movement “all people take care of the poor”. Through the campaign, many needy people across the province have enjoyed opportunities to overcome difficulties and rise up for a better life.

The campaign has been concreted by many significant activities, including providing regular allowances, free medical check-ups, loans for disadvantaged people; donating gifts, houses and introducing jobs to them…Over the past four years, nearly 10,000 people have enjoyed allowances of nearly VND40bln from the campaign. Among them, 725 got help from provincial Red Cross Society.

“Cow Bank” project for the disabled

The “Cow Bank” project has been implemented for 50 households with disabilities in Tan Uyen district through the program “Life is still beautiful” sponsored by the Vietnam Red Cross Society, the Foreign Relations Television Department VTV4 of the Vietnam Television Station and the “Hoi Ngo Dong Tay” organization under the Overseas Vietnamese Association in Ukraine. After two-year implementation, the project has brought positive results to households with disabilities in 10 communes in Tan Uyen district.

With the significance of “One piece of food when hungry equals a big box of food while full”, timely help from authorities at all levels and mass organizations in the province is a motivation for the poor, the disabled and AO victims to rise up for a more stable life.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by K.T

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