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Provincial Retirement Club holds meeting to celebrate the 49th anniversary of Southern Liberation and National Reunification

Update: 04-05-2024 | 15:08:47

On the morning of May 3, the Provincial Retirement Club held a meeting to celebrate the 49th anniversary of the the Southern liberation and the National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2024), 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2024) and 134th President Ho Chi Minh's birthday (May 19, 1890 - May 19, 2024). Attending the meeting was Bui Thanh Nhan, Provincial Party Standing Member, Head of the Provincial Party Mass Mobilization Committee.

At the meeting, members of the Provincial Retirement Club looked back on the heroic traditions of our nation in the resistance war against the US; the fighting spirit and liberating the South and unifying the country. Along with the revolutionary atmosphere, 70 years ago, under the ingenious and wise leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, our army and people heroically fought, determined to win, made up the resounding Dien Bien Phu Victory that shaking the earth. Members of the Provincial Retirement Club also reviewed the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh to the homeland.

Speaking at the meeting, Nhan sent his deep gratitude to the generations of officials who have contributed to the strong development of the province in recent times; At the same time, he said that today's young generation would continue to inherit those achievements, make achievements in the province's socio-economic development in the coming time. He also hopes that in the coming time, the Provincial Retirement Club would continue to have more activities to attract the participation of retired officials; The members are always bright examples not only for children and grandchildren in family, but also for the generation of young officials...

Reported by Thu Thao - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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