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Provincial Veterans Association awarded the second-class Labor Medal

Update: 26-12-2013 | 00:00:00

Early December 25, provincial Veterans Association held a ceremony to receive the second-class Labor Medal for its excellent performance in the 2007-2011 period (photo) and review the 2013 emulation movement “Exemplary veterans”. Attending the ceremony was Huynh Van Nhi, Chairman of provincial Fatherland Front Committee.

Under the 2013 emulation movement “Exemplary veterans” with the theme of “Reaching high consensus, good emulation and finishing early”, provincial Veterans Associations at all levels implemented many movements on “Veterans helping each other in economic development”, building and defending the local Party and government…So far, 4,550 turns of veteran households have so far got loans from the Bank for Social Policies and other resources with total outstanding loans of VND32bln… Provincial Veterans Associations at all levels also mobilized members to subscribe hundreds of million of dong for social charity foundations.

In 2014, provincial Veterans Association will strive to have 100% of officials and members with firm political stance, 100% of officials and 90% of members studied the Party’s resolutions, 100% of officials and members with good completion of entrusted tasks, 98% of members recognized as exemplary ones, 89% of member families to win the title of “cultural family”…

Addressing the event, Mr.Nhi wanted that members of provincial Veterans Association would further uphold and bring into full play the good virtue of “Uncle Ho’s soldiers”; excel at implementing political tasks and educating young generations about revolutionary traditions. He also said that through the emulation movement “Exemplary veterans”, many role-models in all aspects would be also discovered and replicated…

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by K.T

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