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Questions and answers show high responsibility

Update: 06-12-2013 | 00:00:00

At the session, more than 20 petitions of deputies referred to problems of healthcare, trade industry, agriculture, culture, tourism-sport and banking. Of these, 11 ideas were raised to 3 directors of the provincial departments of Culture, Sport and Tourism; Trade and Industry and Agriculture and Rural Development.

The provincial People’s Council chairman Pham Van Canh said that the question-answer session showed high responsibility and straightforward reply of directors of the provincial departments.

In addition, deputies made clear issues of advertisement operation, services at bar, restaurant, karaoke parlour, market planning, development of supermarket system and set out measures of curbing establishment of unprompted markets, solving difficulties for businesses to increase industrial production value, minimizing energy loss and ensuring quality of electric source in service for local demand on production and many more.

Today, the 10th session will continue ratifying 19 important resolutions and the provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung will set out reports to make clear questions of the provincial People’s Council deputies as well as issue solutions focusing on local socio-economic development and national defense and security in 2014.

Reported by T.Thao – Translated by A.C

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