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Raising awareness of labor protection for workers

Update: 28-02-2019 | 12:20:07
Labor protection equipment to protect the safety of workers during the work process. Therefore, in the past years, enterprises have paid attention to and equipped with labor safety equipment for employees. However, at present, there are still some subjective workers, do not use labor protection products, leading to health and safety effects. Therefore, the trade unions at the level of propaganda aimed at changing the awareness and raising the awareness of employees on occupational safety and health issues.
Check and supervise the use of labor protection of employees at Primacy Vietnam Co., Ltd.
Equipment to protect workers
Carrying out the work of labor safety, occupational safety and health are always associated with production activities to protect the most dynamic element of the production force is the Worker. With this work, in addition to improving the green-clean working environment for employees, enterprises in the province also equip workers with protective clothing. It is easy to see in the power companies, sanitation, chemical companies ... For businesses, wearing protective clothing is not merely to ensure safety for people. labor but also express a cohesive, disciplined team, creating a sense of pride and contributing to adding beauty to the image of the company. It can be said that this is a culture that creates the company's own identity.
For garment companies, to limit workers' dust to the lungs, most companies are equipped with hats, masks, and gloves for their workers. Operators who work directly in areas with high risk factors are also equipped with noise-proof earmuffs, heat-resistant jackets, shoes and goggles. Mr. Tran Duc Hung, Chairman of Primacy Vietnam Trade Union (Ben Cat Town), said that with the motto "safety is first", the new employees are trained to use Labor protection, occupational safety and health. In addition, the company also has a safety team with a duty to inspect and supervise the use of Labor Protection equipment of employees. Employees who do not perform will be reminded. In the company's conferences, the Executive Committee of the Trade Union regularly propagates to the Employees about the effects of the workwear Labor protection to ensure safety, prevent accidents and prevent occupational diseases due to the dangerous and toxic factors in the working environment. 
Promoting propaganda
Although the work of occupational safety and health has been propagated by the authorities, there are still many cases of occupational accidents and occupational diseases affecting production and business activities. and Worker's life. It is easy to see that although it is fully equipped with labor protection equipment, but many workers still do not comply with the principle, is it just a deal? Most of the interviewed workers are not aware of their workplace with risk factors, their jobs can leave occupational diseases.
In order to raise the awareness and responsibility of employers and employees in implementing occupational safety and health, ensuring health and life for employees in the production process, in the future, Union levels in the province promote propaganda in many forms. Specifically, trade union levels will continue to organize training courses, seminars, safety and hygiene competitions at all levels, hand out leaflets and handbooks on occupational safety and health.
The work of coordination in inspection and supervision of the implementation of policies and laws on occupational safety and health at enterprises and production and business establishments will also be focused. Mr. Nguyen Kim Khanh, Chief Inspector of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs (Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs), said that every year, the Department actively coordinated with functional agencies to inspect labor laws on the public. Work Safety and Hygiene In 2018, Inspectorate of Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs inspected about 200 enterprises, Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Department of about 800 enterprises, checked and discovered and participated in overcoming errors, limitations and handling violations. Law on occupational safety and health.
Reported by T. Ly - Translated by Vi Bao

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