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Red drops of blood

Update: 18-06-2013 | 00:00:00

Over the past time, provincial Agencies Bloc’s Youth Union teamed up with provincial Red Cross Society to kick off many voluntary blood donation stages. This was a chance for the local Youth Union members, students and pupils to get involved in voluntary activities for the sake of the community.

Youth Union members, students and pupils in the bloc enthusiastically responded to voluntary campaigns in general and voluntary blood donation campaigns in particular over the past time. The bloc’s Youth Union Standing Committee attached special importance to education and mobilization of the voluntary blood donation campaign among youngsters, helping them know about the deep significance of voluntary blood donation. 

Youth Union members, students and pupils under provincial Agencies Bloc participating in the 2nd humanitarian blood donation stage of 2013

With the above significance, all Youth Unions in the bloc were mobilized to participate in the voluntary blood donation campaign. The campaign was enthusiastically responded by cadres, Party members, civil servants, Youth Union members belonging to State agencies. Among blood donors, there were many students and pupils from province-based vocational junior colleges, including provincial Junior College of Agriculture and Forestry, provincial Junior College of Economics, provincial Junior College of Fine Arts…

Most voluntary blood donation programs reached and exceeded the targets set annually. Particularly, during the 2011 Youth Year, provincial Agencies Bloc’s Youth Union held 2 voluntary blood donation stages in March and April with 287 units of blood donated or 143.5% of the projection. In 2013 alone, the Youth Union has set the target of mobilizing 450 units of blood within three stages. There were 362 units of blood collected in the two voluntary blood donation stages in January and May.

According to Nguyen Minh Khoi, Vice-Secretary of provincial Department of Industry and Trade’s Youth Union, humanitarian blood donation is a noble deed always luring the attention of Youth Union members. He also frequently gets involved in the activity as it bears a very great humanitarian significance.

To achieve the above results, the bloc’s Youth Unions at all levels attached special importance to propaganda work, helping Youth Union members know more about the significance of humanitarian blood donation, blood donors’ rights and interests… Nguyen Vo Thanh Thao, Vice-Secretary of provincial Agencies Bloc’s Youth Union said that the humanitarian blood donation campaigns have absorbed more and more Youth Union members, students and pupils in the bloc, expressing their voluntary spirit for the sake of the community.

Reported by Thanh Le-Translated by K.T

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