Release of seeding fish to regenerate and develop aquatic resources

Thursday, 08/09/2022

In the morning of September 9, the Sub-Department of Livestock, Veterinary and Fisheries held a stocking of fingerlings to regenerate and develop aquatic resources on Can Nom lake in Dau Tieng district.

This is an annual program that the Sub-Department of Livestock, Veterinary and Fisheries develops to protect and develop aquatic resources in the province. In 2022, the branch will release fingerlings into the natural environment on September 7 and 8 at two locations of Can Nom lake and Phuoc Hoa dam at An Thai commune in Phu Giao district. The quantity of stocking is about 700-800kg of fingerlings of all kinds, equivalent to 1.2 million fish.

This is also a key activity of the provincial agricultural sector to propagate to cadres, civil servants, public employees and people in the area about the meaning and importance of the protection and development of aquatic resources as conservation protect the habitat of aquatic species. There on, they would work together to protect aquatic resources, release aquatic species responsibly, and contribute to the recovery and regeneration of aquatic resources.

Reported by Thoai Phuong – Translated by Vi Bao