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Reward many collectives and individuals with achievements in implementing Directive 05 in Bau Bang District and Thuan An Town

Update: 15-05-2019 | 14:38:27

In the morning of May 14, Bau Bang District Party Committee held a three-year preliminary meeting to implement the Politburo Directive No. 05 on "Promoting learning and following ideology, morality and Ho Chi Minh's style". (referred to as Directive 05) and preliminary review of 5 years of implementing Resolution No. 33 of the 11th Central Committee of the Central Committee on "Building and developing Vietnamese people to meet the needs of sustainable development of the country". Attending the conference were Mr. Nguyen Minh Thuy, Standing Member, Head of the Provincial Party Committee Organization.

In the past 3 years, the Standing Committee of Bau Bang District Party Committee has led and directed the organization to strictly implement Directive 05 of the Politburo to the branches, affiliated Party, agencies, departments and delegations. from district to base; continue to replicate the implementation of a number of models "follow Uncle" effectively such as "Near the people, close the people", "Party members stick with the masses of the people where they reside" ... From there, many staff ministries, party members and people have exemplified in implementing the study and following Uncle Ho, contributing to building a clean and strong Party Committee.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the District People's Committee rewarded many collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements over 3 years implementing Directive 05 of the Politburo. Bau Bang district committee also handed over the decision to retire by mode to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tot, former Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the district and handed over the decision to transfer and appoint positions to two comrades.

* In the morning of the same day, Thi An town of Thuan An town held a 3-year preliminary meeting to implement the Politburo's Directive 05 on "Promoting learning and following ideology, morality and Ho Chi Minh's style".

After 3 years of implementing Directive 05, the Party committees, departments and unions in the whole town have seriously organized the implementation of learning and following ideologies, morals and Ho Chi style. Minh. As a result, 100% of the Party and Party Committee organized the thematic study every year with more than 12,600 turns of party members, nearly 3,500 turns of officials, union members, members and people participated. Many units also expressed the spirit of initiative and positive in implementing Directive 05 with many new methods, good practices, practical and effective, contributing to bringing Directive 05 into life.

On this occasion, Chairman of Thuan An Town People's Committee awarded a certificate of merit to many collectives and individuals who have made achievements in implementing Directive 05.

Reported by Nguyen Hau-Huu Hoang – Translated by Vi Bao

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