Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association marks 50th anniversary

Saturday, 23/11/2013
Moscow has played host to a November 22 ceremony celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association. Established on July 31, 1958, the association has carried out a great number of exchanges in various areas, helping promote the Vietnam-Russia friendship and mutual understanding between their peoples.In his speech, the Association’s Chairman Vladimir Buyanov recalled past decades of landmark association achievements, many of which defied the difficulties and challenges of war.He highlighted its contributions to the Vietnamese people’s revolutionary success, and thanked generations of Russians for enthusiastically supporting the friendship and cooperation with Vietnam throughout the ages.Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Pham Xuan Son echoed the Chairman’s sentiments of praise and gratitude.On behalf of Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang, he conferred the Friendship Order on Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association Vice President Senior Lieutenant General Pozedev.Major General Trinh Quoc Khanh, Vice President of the Vietnam-Russia Friendship Association, commended active members of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association, and unveiled plans to erect a statue of Russian astronaut G. Titov, the first President of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association.Certificates of merit were presented to a number of Association members in recognition of outstanding contributions to nurturing bilateral relations.Artists from both countries entertained attendees with music and dance performances in honour of the Vietnam-Russia relationship.VOV