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Safe traffic is the happiness of every home

Update: 17-03-2022 | 16:21:11

"Streets of Binh Duong today are open and spacious, if all people are aware of, traffic accidents will no longer haunt... people." It is a meaningful message that was spread by characters in a skit named "Raising awareness together" during a cultural tour propagating traffic safety in North Tan Uyen district recently.

A scene from the skit "Raising Awareness together" performed by Provincial Mobile Cinema-Propagation Team of the Provincial Cultural and Arts Center in Tan Thanh town, North Tan Uyen district.

To suggest many solutions

The story of the characters began with a traffic collision of Mr. Eighth HeadLights and Ms. Fifth Opposite Directions. The quarrel between the two people was reconciled by Mr. Fourth News very skillfully by clear and coherent evidence: riding vehicles on roads does not turn on the headlights, to be safe for themselves and people must not drive in the opposite direction.

In addition to common errors of the characters, the skit also pointed out several acts of non-compliance with the Road Traffic Law of all people, such as: Speeding, running red lights, trucks using loud horns in populous areas, driving after drinking alcohol... In addition, the characters also discussed shipper – a "hot" job during the Covid-19 season and traffic safety worries.

The outbreak of the disease caused the demand for online shopping to flourish. Shipper job became more popular and has been chosen by many people. Therefore, the delivery speed of shippers is also a concern for those driving on roads. In order to meet the demand of customers, many shippers have become reluctant "racers", potentially causing traffic accidents that make many drivers frightened. Not only speeding, aggressive driving, shippers also constantly use mobile phone to read messages, view customer information.

In order to contribute to reducing traffic accidents due to these misdeeds, the skit also suggested some suitable solutions. In particular, shippers as well as people driving on roads need to be aware together, improve the effectiveness of law enforcement, ensure traffic safety order every time on the road.

Safe traffic for everyone to be happy

Topics propagating traffic culture have been widely disseminated by traffic safety boards at all levels in localities in many forms. In particular, the Provincial Mobile Propagation and Cinema Team also set up and performed many scripts of many authors and directors. In addition to disseminating useful information about the Law on Road Traffic, the skits also encouraged all classes of people to raise their awareness of observance of the Road Traffic Law and the State's regulations.

Vo Van Sanh, living in Tan Thanh town, North Tan Uyen district, was very interested in the story of the skit. He said that all of us as driving on the road need to raise awareness of law enforcement more, this will reduce the unfortunate things that happen. As for Bui Thi Ngoc, living in Lac An commune, North Tan Uyen district, as long as we are more careful as driving, implement traffic culture well, we will encourage our children and people around us to follow this; small deeds but will contribute to reducing more or less traffic accidents.

Director Trung Hau said that the traffic safety is now regularly updated on mass media such as newspapers, radio... Along main streets, there are also banners, panoes, posters, paintings as visual communication tools for road traffic culture. What we need to do is strictly observe so that ourselves and our loved ones raise awareness of safe traffic. Because safe traffic is about protecting the happiness of families and the happiness of society.

Reported by Minh Hieu – Translated by Ngoc Huynh



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