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Schools and parents prepare for going to the first grade of children

Update: 05-05-2013 | 00:00:00
Nearly 1 month later, children at infant schools will start their first grade. From playing to studying, kids can be still like fishes out of water. Thus the responsibility of preschool education is now to help children to grow completely in order to shape their personalities for studying at the first grade.  Children at Binh Hoa preschool (Thuan An town) is getting acquainted with lettersSchools get everything readyRecently, provincial elementary schools have welcomed many children at nursery schools as visitors, for example, kids at Mang Non kindergarten toured the Petrus Ky elemen-secondary school so that they can prepare mentality to go to elementary school. They visited classes like art classroom, library, laboratory, computer rooms and canteen as well as experienced learning activities at classes. Then kids had 20 minutes to communicate with foreign teachers. They seemed exciting, when knowing that they could study here next year. Vice principal of Mang Non kindergarten Ms. Vo Thi Hong Loan said that it was in education program for 5-year-old children to get to know new environment before entering first grade.Similarly, Hoa Lan kindergarten has just organize a sightseeing of Nguyen Trai elementary school and Viet Anh elemen-secondary school. Principal Ms. Do Thi Thu Thuy told us that the alphabet was frequently integrated into class activities throughout the year. Additionally, the school also established benchmarks including 120 indicators of evaluation for children to practice at school as well as at homes. With all above reasons, 5-year-old children need to go to preschool in order to get acquainted to 29 letters, mathematics through games, and to know the right sitting posture, how to hold pens correctly, how to open books,…Parents are also readyThe readiness for the first grade of children depends so much on the right preparation of preschools and especially the caring of parents. To parents perceiving properly this matter, they teach their offspring to trace letters, take them to shop and let them choose themselves their school supplies to generate interest in studying. Besides, elder brothers or sisters can tell their younger siblings exciting stories at schools, share learning experiences and simultaneously explain that as studying at elementary school we have to abide by regulations, accept new learning methods, new subjects and do homework. If the preparation is correct and adequate, children will not be shocked when entering the first grade.However, the current trend is to learn in advance the first grade’s program, which is a fatal mistake. Children would be fatigued or afraid of going to school, when they are forced to learn so soon but are not good mentally prepared. We have seen some crying kids as they were brought to teacher’s houses for early learning by parents. Thus some kids lied to be off classes, some threatened that they would be sick if they were forced to study too much. On the other hand, because they have already known the content, kids will be bored as attending official classes. This leads to neglect at children and then declining learning results. Primary education is the first level of the long learning process. Therefore, if children are good prepared in terms of physical strength, intelligence, communication, psychology and some other skills in accordance with their growth, they can confidently begin their first grade and study well in following school years. Reported by A.Sang – Translated by Ngoc Huynh
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