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Secretary of provincial Party Committee inspects, encourages and directs the work of collecting martyrs' remains

Update: 11-04-2024 | 12:22:25

On April 10, provincial delegation, led by Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly deputy delegation inspected, encouraged and directed the work of searching and collecting the remains of martyrs in Binh My commune’s Choi Dung hamlet in North Tan Uyen district.

Accordingly, Mr. Loi and members of the delegation performed a ceremony of offering flowers, incense and silence to commemorate martyrs who heroically sacrificed their lives for the nation's independence and freedom.

Speaking at the inspection tour, Mr. Loi spoke highly of the efforts by the province's forces on searching and collecting the remains of martyrs as well as their sense of responsibility, espencially the assistance of Australian veterans with timely and accurate information, helping Binh Duong find many remains of martyrs of the Division 7 under the Army Corps 4 who heroically sacrificed their lives in the war against America to save the country.

Mr.Loi proposed that with a sense of responsibility towards the heroic souls of martyrs, the forces need to coordinate closely with local authorities to mobilize all resources and equipment to urgently deploy measures to maximize the scale of the search in order to soon collect the remains of martyrs still lying underground here to hold a memorial ceremony and bring them to provincial Martyrs’ Cemetery for burial to comfort the souls of the heroic martyrs as well as their relatives.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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