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Self-directed learning, striving, cultivating, training under revolutionary ethical standards

Update: 10-07-2024 | 12:06:19

In his directive speech at the national conference to implement the Politburo's Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW on revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and Party members in the new era and the Politburo’s Directive No. 35-CT/TW on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress, comrade Luong Cuong, Politburo Member, Standing Secretary of the Secretariat emphasized: For the Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW, attention should be paid to the role and responsibility of Party cells and Party committees, especially heads of Party committees, in the process of comprehending and organizing the implementation of the regulation. Each cadre and Party member must voluntarily learn, strive, cultivate, train, "self-reflect," and "self-correct" under revolutionary ethical standards.

Thorough comprehension and serious implementation

Yesterday morning (July 9), the Politburo and the Secretariat held a national conference to implement the Politburo's Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW on revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and Party members in the new era and the Politburo’s Directive No. 35-CT/TW on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress. The conference was conducted in a hybrid format, with the main venue at the Dien Hong hall of the National Assembly House connected to 15,644 venues of central and local agencies, sectors and units nationwide.

An overall view of the conference on comprehending the Politburo’s Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW and Directive No. 35-CT/TW at Binh Duong provincial Party Committee venue

Guiding the implementation of the Politburo’s Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW, dated May 9, 2024, on revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and Party members  in the new era, comrade Nguyen Trong Nghia, Politburo Member, Secretary of the Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda-Education Commission emphasized: Party committees and organizations at all levels must lead, direct the thorough understanding and serious implementation of the regulation and the guidance of the Central Propaganda-Education Commission so that all cadres and Party members deeply understand and strictly comply with the regulation; closely integrate the implementation of the regulation with accelebration of learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, ethics and lifestyle; implement the central resolutions and conclusions on building and rectifying the Party and the political system...

Moreover, the Standing Committees of province/city-level Party Committees, Party Civil Affairs Committees, Party Delegations and Party Committees under the Government will direct the review, supplementation, construction and completion of professional ethics and public service ethics standards; specify standards suitable to the functions, tasks, and situation of the sectors, localities, agencies, units in line with the standards stated in the regulation. The Central Organization Commission and the Ministry of Home Affairs should incorporate the implementation of the regulation into the annual evaluation criteria of cadres and Party members, considering it as one of the criteria for assessing and ranking cadres and Party members. The Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, National Academy of Public Administration, military and police academies, political schools, training institutions must include the content of the regulation in the training programs and materials for cadres and Party members.  

Self-reflection, self-correction under revolutionary ethical standards

The guidance from the Central Propaganda-Education Commission on implementing revolutionary ethical standards for cadres and Party members in the new era also requires central and local press agencies to widely and diversely propagandize the revolutionary ethical standards of cadres, Party members and the results of implementation by all-level authorities, sectors, localities, agencies, units; promptly commend and spread exemplary examples in implementing revolutionary ethical standards, criticize and condemn violations.

Participants at the conference point of Binh Duong provincial Party Committee

Party committees, organizations and inspection committees at all levels must incorporate the implementation of the regulation into their annual inspection and supervision programs and plans; promote the supervisory role of elected bodies, Fatherland Front Committees, press agencies and people over the implementation of the regulation by cadres and Party members; promptly detect and strictly handle violations; seriously organize the evaluation, commendation, discipline, review, summary...

In his directive speech at the conference, comrade Luong Cuong, Politburo Member, Standing Secretary of the Secretariat emphasized: The thorough understanding of the core and essential content of the Regulation No.144 and Directive No.35 aims at helping Party committees, organizations, cadres and Party members fully and systematically grasp the contents of the two important documents. Through this, serious, effective, comprehensive, and continuous implementation can create a significant change in awareness and action throughout the Party and the political system, increasing consensus in the society and among the people.

Regarding the Regulation No. 144-QĐ/TW, each Party committee, Party organization, cadre and Party member need to always enhance their awareness of the importance, firmly grasp and deeply understand the regulation; pay attention to the role and responsibility of Party cells and Party committees, especially heads of Party committees, in the process of comprehending and organizing the implementation of the regulation. Each cadre, Party member must voluntarily learn, strive, cultivate, train, "self-reflect," and "self-correct" under revolutionary ethical standards... "The most important and core aspect is that all cadres and Party members must grasp, deeply internalize, practice ethical standards voluntarily and regularly as daily sustenance...", emphasized comrade Luong Cuong.

The Standing Secretariat also requested to strengthen propaganda among people so that they clearly understand the Party's political determination in building and rectifying the Party and the political system; fighting corruption and negative phenomena; building a truly clean, strong, comprehensive political system; actively participating in supervising the implementation of revolutionary ethical standards by cadres and Party members; fighting to eliminate viewpoints and behaviors contrary to revolutionary ethics, communist ethics...

Regarding the Directive No. 35-CT/TW on Party congresses at all levels towards the 14th National Party Congress, comrade Luong Cuong requested the good organization of the thorough understanding of the Politburo's directive, related regulations, and guidelines from the Central Committee and the direct superior Party committee, ensuring that all Party members in the entire Party firmly grasp, clearly understand, correctly implement from central to grassroots levels; lead the good preparation of draft documents for submission to the congress; simultaneously excell at organizing discussions and contributions to draft documents of their own level and higher levels; comprehensively and synchronously implement the requirements, tasks and solutions stated in the directive regarding the preparation and organization of Party congresses at all levels, especially in selecting, introducing, and electing new term Party committees ensuring quantity, enhancing quality, a harmonious and reasonable structure, with inheritance and development...

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

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