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Self-managing pioneer worker teams for security in companies mobilize strength according to the motto "4 on the spot"

Update: 20-07-2023 | 11:56:16

On July 19, Ministry of Public Security cooperated with Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee to hold a conference to exchange experience in building self-managing pioneer worker teams for security and order in companies (hereinafter referred to as pioneer team) in the province and improve the quality and effectiveness of the movement of All people protecting national security in industrial parks. At the conference, representatives of the above units shared their experiences in encouraging workers to take part in maintaining security at enterprises in particular and the province in general.

According to Luc Lecoeuche (left end), Executive Vice President of Production of Rochdale Spears Co., Ltd. (Tan Uyen City), members of the pioneer team are highly skilled, reputable workers in the company and are equipped with skills needed to handle unexpected situations.

Many lessons learned

At the conference, Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, shared about the process of formation and development of the pioneer team model. Accordingly, in 2014, Binh Duong had a complicated case of social security among workers, causing great damage to a number of businesses. After this incident, due to an urgent need to have a force on the spot to regularly inform the police about local security situation and protect the property when an unexpected incident occurred, the Provincial Police’s Board of Directors advised Provincial People's Committee to establish pioneer teams. This idea received great support from Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee and especially many companies.

In March 2018, Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 562/QD-UBND promulgating the Scheme to establish self-managed pioneer worker teams for security and order in enterprises in the province, period 2018-2022. After one year, 382 pioneer worker teams were established. Up to now, this model has brought great effectiveness in ensuring information security at enterprises and has been selected by the Ministry of Public Security as an example to be replicated in many localities.

The establishment and maintenance of this model has contributed to creating a stable environment in enterprises, helping employees feel secure in production. This model operates under the motto "4 on the spot" (on-the-spot command; on-the-spot forces; on-the-spot vehicles and materials; on-the-spot logistics). Since its establishment, the security and order situation among workers has been stable, did not have any complicated incidents.

Speaking at the conference, Colonel Ta Van Dep, director of Provincial Police Department, said that up to now, the province has more than 1,000 pioneer worker teams with about 19,000 members. During the operation, members of pioneer teams not only perform well their production tasks as assigned by business owners, but also always uphold the sense of responsibility in the protection of security and order in enterprises; propagate and encourage workers to abide by the laws and regulations at the workplace. The members proactively grasp situation and difficulties of workers, report to and advise business owners to properly solve legitimate recommendations and requirements of employees, helping to maintain a harmonious relationship between business owners and employees.

In the past five years (2018-2022), members of pioneer worker teams in the province patrolled and guarded 9,662 times at enterprises; made timely notification of more than 3,200 reports, helping police force solve nearly 1,200 cases related to social security order; participated in fire fighting 57 cases; provided first aid for many cases of food poisoning among workers…

Need to be expanded

According to Colonel Ta Van Dep, in the establishing and maintaining process of pioneer worker teams, provincial police drew many lessons from experience, that is, it is necessary to be in agreement with business owners about establishing pioneer worker teams to ensure interest harmonization between business owners and employees, with the meaning of "protecting business assets and protecting security in the locality".

In addition, the establishment of pioneer worker teams is always combined with the implementation of regulations of Ministry of Public Security on residential areas, agencies, enterprises and schools meeting social security order standards. Therefore, provincial police directed professional departments, local police forces to have specific instructions and encourage enterprises to sign a commitment to comply with social security order standards for the purpose of mobilizing the synergy of employees, business managers participating in the movement of the whole people protecting national security.

Together with the provincial police, Provincial Labor Confederation has actively propagated and mobilized business owners to establish pioneer teams. Sharing about this work, Nguyen Hoang Bao Tran, Vice President of Provincial Confederation of Labor, said that Provincial Labor Confederation regularly coordinate with provincial police to propagate and mobilize business owners to implement social security order standards according to regulations of Ministry of Public Security and participate in the movement of all people protecting national security. As a result, the majority of companies agreed and supported the establishment of pioneer worker teams and facilitated the team’s operations to be more and more effectively. After a short time, pioneer worker teams have become a "bridge" between employees and business owners, contributing to building a harmonious relationship at enterprises.

Always be supported

On July 19, Major General Trang A Tua, Director of Department of Construction of the All-People Movement Protecting Fatherland Security under Ministry of Public Security, led a delegation of Ministry of Public Security and Police in provinces and cities directly under the Central, to visit and exchange experiences in building pioneer worker team at Apparel Far Eastern Vietnam Co., Ltd. in VSIP 1 (Thuan An City).

The delegation visit pioneer worker team at Apparel Far Eastern Vietnam Co., Ltd. in VSIP 1 

Fu Yang Yi, Associate of Apparel Far Eastern Vietnam Co., Ltd., said that during its operation in Binh Duong, the company received a lot of attention and support from local authorities and functional branches, especially in security work. Immediately after being instructed by the local police, the company established a pioneer worker team. Up to now, the team has 60 members and is the "extension arm" of the Board of Directors in maintaining security order and dealing with initial incidents.

Also in the afternoon of July 19, a delegation visited pioneer worker team at Rochdale Spears Co., Ltd. (Thanh Phuoc Ward, Tan Uyen City). Leading the delegation was Major General Cao Dang Hung, Deputy Office Chief of Ministry of Public Security. Luc Lecoeuche, Executive Vice President of Production, Rochdale Spears Co., Ltd., shared that under the guidance of Tan Uyen City police, the company established a pioneer worker team at the end of 2014 with 20 members. Up to now, the company's pioneer worker team has been consolidated with 80 members in 2 factories. During its operation, the pioneer worker team are supported by Tan Uyen Police in skill training, such as martial arts, skills to handle disruptive crowds, propagation skills, and scene protecting skills, fire prevention and fighting…

The delegation visit pioneer worker team aRochdale Spears Co., Ltd.

According to Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung, Deputy Minister of Public Security, the establishment and maintenance of pioneer worker teams must show business owners the advantages and efficiency of this model, thereby creating consensus, as well as creating favorable conditions for this model to develop in the business community across the country. In addition, the far-reaching meaning of pioneer worker teams is that workers are the owners of this model and benefit from the model when enterprises do not have unexpected passive situations, causing loss of security.

“The effective implementation of pioneer worker teams is a premise for building trade unions and Party organizations among workers. In the coming time, in order for this model to spread extensively and develop more strongly, it is necessary to gain the coordination between police force and other departments, agencies and mass organizations in propagating and mobilizing workers to participate in the movement of all people protecting national security at work place. After the conference, the Ministry of Public Security will summarize and compile documents to spread this model throughout the country," said Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung.

Reported by N.Hau, Q.Anh - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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