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Social insurance benefits ensured for working people

Update: 13-05-2024 | 14:51:00

Recently, many workers participating in social insurance at limited liability companies (LLC) want to withdraw social insurance at once. It is the policy propaganda sessions on social insurance that have helped workers make the decision not to withdraw social insurance at once but to enjoy retirement.

The representative of workers in Thuan An city asks a question related to one-time social insurance policies.

To the grassroots propaganda

Recently, social insurance agencies in some localities such as Tan Uyen city, Thuan An city, Ben Cat city, Bac Tan Uyen district... have received many workers from limited liability companies submitting documents to withdraw social insurance benefits once.

At the social insurance agency headquarters in Ben Cat City, workers submit documents to withdraw social insurance once in a very crowded manner, accounting for about 80% of the number of customers coming for transactions. Among the many workers in the area applying for one-time social insurance withdrawal, there are workers at Frama Group Vietnam Co., Ltd (An Dien ward). Over the past 2 months, the company has had 28 workers resign and express their desire to receive social insurance benefits once. The social insurance of Ben Cat City must organize a session to disseminate, dialogue, and explain social insurance policies, health insurance, and unemployment insurance to 235 workers at this company.

Mr. Do Quoc Thinh, Deputy Director of Social Insurance of Ben Cat City explained: "Ben Cat City's social insurance always strives to create the most favorable conditions for workers to participate in and benefit from policies, including workers who withdraw social insurance once, ensuring compliance with regulations. However, for the long-term welfare rights of workers, the city's social insurance recommends that workers carefully consider and not withdraw social insurance once to avoid losing their own benefits."

Chí Hùng Co., Ltd. (Thai Hoa Ward, Tan Uyen City) has more than 6,600 employees participating in social insurance. Among the total number of employees participating in social insurance, there are about 450 employees who have participated in social insurance for over 15 years. In recent days, their psychology has been unstable, worrying that amending the regulation of withdrawing social insurance once will affect their benefits, so they tend to want to withdraw social insurance once. Social Insurance of Tan Uyen city has collaborated with the City Labor Union to communicate new issues in the Draft Law amending social insurance and one-time social insurance policies for over 450 workers at the company.

Previously in Thuan An city, Tessellation Bình Dương Co., Ltd. (Bình Hòa Ward), where 2,600 workers are working, has sent a letter to the city's social insurance agency regarding workers with unstable mental health related to one-time social insurance benefits. The company wishes to promote and advise workers in Thuận An city Social Insurance to consider whether to receive social insurance benefits in a lump sum or as a pension. Immediately after that, the Social Insurance officials from Thuan An city went directly to the company to promote and explain to the workers whether they should opt for a one-time social insurance benefit or a retirement pension.

Benefits preserved for working people

Social insurance agencies in various localities have organized dozens of propaganda sessions on social insurance policies for workers since the beginning of the year. At the propaganda sessions, workers are particularly interested in the social insurance benefits, retirement benefits, and unemployment insurance. Representatives of social insurance agencies in localities have adequately answered workers' questions. In particular, reporters have analyzed for workers to understand clearly the disadvantages when receiving social insurance once and emphasized the benefits when receiving retirement benefits. Through meetings, propaganda, dialogues, workers understand more about their rights, social insurance-related regimes. From there, they change their thoughts on social insurance once, submit a social insurance benefit claim once, and work with peace of mind, long-term attachment to the company.

When receiving social insurance once, workers have left the social insurance system themselves. This is a worrying situation because when they get old, workers will not have a pension, have to rely on their children and also not be provided with free health insurance cards. Receiving social insurance benefits once only brings immediate benefits to workers, but workers cannot fully anticipate the risks of losing many long-term benefits for themselves and their families, such as no pension, no free health insurance card, and family members not entitled to funeral benefits. On the clear explanation spirit of the social insurance agency, workers have understood the current social insurance policies and work with peace of mind, stay connected with the business until retirement age.

Especially, during propaganda sessions, units also clarify some new issues in the Draft Law amending social insurance with the focus on the one-time social insurance policy. The government is presenting two options to the National Assembly to continue collecting opinions from ministries and sectors to harmonize between the two groups of people who have participated before the new law takes effect and the group of new laborers entering the labor market since the new law is applied.

“Social insurance Ben Cat city continues to recommend workers to carefully consider the pros and cons before deciding to receive one-time social insurance benefits. From a policy perspective, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs is leading the drafting of the Draft Law on Social Insurance (amended) to affirm that the social insurance policy once in the Draft Law on Social Insurance (amended) is designed on the basis of harmonizing interests among parties, with a focus on prioritizing the assurance of immediate and long-term benefits for workers," Mr. Do Quoc Thinh added.

During the propaganda sessions, units also clarified some new issues in the Draft Law on Social Insurance amendment, with the focus on the one-time social insurance policy. The government is presenting two options to the National Assembly to continue to gather opinions from ministries and sectors in order to harmonize the two groups of people who have participated before the new law takes effect and the group of new workers who participate in the labor market since the new law is applied.

Reported by Kim Ha – Translated by Vi Bao

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