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Socialization contributes to improving educational quality

Update: 12-10-2023 | 13:18:06

Besides economic development, in recent years, Binh Duong has paid great attention to education and training. In particular, the province determined that the socialization of education plays an important role in utilize social resources to serve teaching and improve the learning environment for students. This work has also contributed to improving the quality of teaching and learning, effectively contributing to the province's educational development.

The province's non-public school system has a large investment scale and quite modern facilities, meeting the requirements for sustainable educational development. In photo:  High school students in the province visit the learning environment of Eastern International University.

Take advantage of all resources

Binh Duong province has many enterprises and industrial zones, thus it attracts many workers from outside the province coming to live and work here. Therefore, the mechanical population rate of the province has increased rapidly. This makes provincial education training sector be under a lot of pressure. To meet the requirements of education innovation, recently, provincial education branch has promoted the socialization of education, creating the best conditions for students to go to school. In particular, the birth of private educational institutions based on the policy of socialization of education not only meets the learning needs of students but also reduces the burden on the State budget.

As a university with a spacious, methodical, modern scale and in accordance with international standards, Eastern International University began enrolling students in 2011 and offers training according to the quarter credit system. The school's student employment rate after graduation is over 96%; 100% of graduates achieved IELTS 6.0... PhD. Ngo Minh Duc, Principal of the school, said: “During the development process, as training and providing high-quality human resources, the school focuses on building a learning environment incoporated with practical experiences. With a network connecting hundreds of domestic and foreign businesses, Eastern International University has provided students with great advantages to gain exposure to real working environments at businesses and hospitals through many diverse activities".

In recent times, the socialization of educational activities has received special attention from the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee that have directed all levels and sectors to seriously implement it, creating consensus and mobilizing resources of the province for educational development and building a healthy educational environment. The network of non-public preschools has developed steadily throughout localities, especially areas gather and develop industrial zones and clusters. Compared to preschool, non-public general education has a slower growth rate. However, the schools are all large in scale and have quite modern facilities, ensuring the requirements for sustainable educational development. In addition, several schools with foreign elements at some educational levels have been established to meet the learning needs of children of foreign experts and Vietnamese students.

In addition to mobilizing socialization to invest in educational facilities, education branch also actively mobilizes organizations and unions to contribute and help students having difficult circumstances. With the motto "Not letting any child in difficult circumstances not go to school", right from the beginning of this new school year, provincial education branch has received support from departments and unions to implement the "Support to school" program. Thousands of gifts given have brought joy and motivation to students on their path to conquering knowledge.

Continue to promote socialization work

Recently, the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee have paid attention to and directed education sector and relevant branches of the province to carry out educational socialization work with the goal of "Ensuring conditions for improving quality; standardization, modernization, democratization, socialization and international integration of education system” to meet the province's industrialization and modernization requirements. In particular, investors implementing educational socialization are entitled to preferential policies such as being allocated land by the state, leasing land that has completed site clearance, exempting and reducing land rent, and supporting the development of private children groups in industrial park area…

Every year, educational institutions develop plans for socialization of education appropriate to the actual conditions of each locality. Localities all focus on disseminating and seriously implementing the guiding documents of all levels  on the management and use of voluntary contributions at educational establishments; create favorable conditions for organizations, businesses and individuals to invest in and develop education. Besides, localities effectively use resources from socialization work to improve the quality of education and create a friendly educational environment.

Nguyen Thi Nhat Hang, Director of Provincial Department of Education & Training, said that in general, the socialization of education is developing. Many organizations, businesses and individuals actively participate in investing in building schools, contributing to solving difficulties in learning needs for children in the province, especially preschool education. It can be affirmed that the development of non-public education, training and vocational education institutions from social resources has contributed to promoting the application of advanced educational approaches, improving the quality of education, basically meeting the requirements of industrialization, modernization and international integration.

School year 2023-2024, provincial education branch has 732 schools and centers, including 336 non-public schools. There are currently 8 universities in the province, including 3 non-public universities. In the coming time, Binh Duong will continue to promote the mobilization of social resources to develop the system of non-public preschools and high schools. The province strives that by 2025, the number of non-public preschool and general education establishments will reach at least 48% of the total number of educational establishments with the number of learners reaching at least 16% of the total number of learners. In particular, for preschool education, the province strives for the rate of non-public educational establishments to reach at least 73.47%; The rate of children attending school is at least 74.46%. For general education, the province strives for the rate of non-public educational establishments to reach at least 5.53%; The rate of students enrolled is at least 4.74%...

Reported by T.Nhi, K.Thinh - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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