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Socio-economic changes positively, the growth targets are stable

Update: 25-07-2019 | 15:23:33

Yesterday morning (July 24), the 9th Provincial People's Council opened its 10th session. Attending the meeting was Mr. Tran Van Nam, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the provincial National Assembly delegation; Tran Thanh Liem, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Vo Van Minh, Member of Provincial Standing Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council; Nguyen Van Loc, Standing Member, Head of Provincial Commission for Public Relation, Chairman of Vietnam Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; provincial leaders through periods; representatives of departments, agencies, localities and 65/68 provincial People's Council deputies 9.

Overview of the opening session of the 10th session, the 9th Provincial People's Council. Photo: Quoc Chien

Keep a steady growth rate

Speaking at the opening of the session, Mr. Vo Van Minh, Member of the Provincial Standing Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council stated, in the spirit of constantly improving, improving the quality of the session, making an important contribution to improving the quality of activities. mobilizing People's Council, proposing delegates to discuss and focus on key contents affecting people's life, creating a driving force for socio-economic development and ensuring the province's defense and security. In particular, this session improved and well implemented the questioning and answering sessions, creating a lively atmosphere in the spirit of frankness, building, clarifying issues, clarity, essence and sharing. Difficulties with branches and domains to well solve existing problems of interest to voters, delegates and society. Mr. Vo Van Minh suggested the provincial People's Council deputies uphold the sense of responsibility, promote democracy, wisdom, responsibility, discipline and solidarity so that the meeting can well complete the contents and programs set out with volume and highest quality.

Reported at the meeting, Mr. Mai Hung Dung, Provincial Standing Committee member, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee said that in the first 6 months of 2019, the province's socio-economic situation had many positive changes, in order to Most of the main indicators have grown steadily over the same period. Specifically, the industrial production index continued to grow well, estimated to increase by 8.08% compared to the same period in 2018. The trade and service sector had a good growth rate, total retail sales and service revenue. estimated VND 111,415 billion, up 15.8% over the same period. The export market is expanding and maintaining a trade surplus. Accordingly, export turnover is estimated at 12.8 billion USD, up 13.5% over the same period, trade surplus of 3.4 USD. Investment attraction activities increased highly over the same period, in which attracted VND 31,152 billion of domestic registered capital, accumulated up to now, the province has 39,541 enterprises with a total capital of VND 332,130 billion. Foreign investment has attracted an additional $ 1.45 billion, up 70% over the same period, exceeding 3.6% of the yearly plan and accumulated so far, the province has attracted 3,639 foreign-invested projects with total capital of 33.76 billion USD.

Mr. Mai Hung Dung also informed the meeting about development investment. In the last 6 months, the total development investment capital of the whole society reached about VND 40,623 billion, up 12.02% over the same period. Public investment, by June 30, 2019, the disbursement value reached VND 1,632 billion, reaching 20.9% of the plan for 2019. Regarding urban planning and development, the province has focused on upgrading Thu Dau urban area, upgrading urban areas in districts and towns. The province has prepared and submitted to the competent authority to consider the scheme of establishing 2 cities of Thuan An and Di An in Binh Duong province on the basis of maintaining the status of Thuan An town, Di An town. The province has implemented the Smart City Scheme in 2019 with specific topics and projects. In the agricultural sector, Mr. Mai Hung Dung affirmed the province's efforts in building a new countryside (new countryside). Up to now, the province has 100% of communes meeting new rural standards, 3 district-level units have been recognized to meet the new rural standards, completing the national target program on new rural construction according to prescribed criteria.

Social security is concerned

Mr. Mai Hung Dung said that with high determination of both the political system, social security and welfare, he was cared for. The province has mobilized VND 499.5 billion from many resources to take good care of policy beneficiaries and well implement social security; implementing the national target program on sustainable poverty reduction, until now, the whole province has 4,546 poor households (accounting for 1.56%) and 2,924 near poor households (accounting for 1.01%) of the total 290,652 households. The work of people's health care and preventive medicine work continued to be promoted, the national target programs on health achieved and exceeded the plan. The proportion of people participating in health insurance (reaching 86.19%), the number of hospital beds and the number of doctors per 10,000 people reached the targets of the Resolution of the People's Council. Information and propaganda of guidelines, policies and political events of the province and the country are implemented in a timely manner in accordance with the Party's guidelines and policies and laws of the State. Festivals and cultural and artistic activities take place more actively to meet the demand of entertainment and entertainment of the people better and better.

At the meeting, the delegates highly appreciated the leadership, direction and administration of the Provincial People's Committee, all levels of sectors in the direction and administration of economic development, taking care of social security policies. . Mr. Nguyen Tam Duong, Head of Economic - Budget Department, Provincial People's Council, said that vocational education activities, creating jobs for workers continue to achieve positive results, basically meeting the needs of enterprise. The quality and efficiency of education and training are increasingly consolidated and improved step by step; strictly implement the enrollment work in grade 10, well organize the national high school exam in 2019. During the school year 2018-2019, the whole province increased 26 educational institutions compared to the previous school year; the rate of public schools reaching the national standard of more than 71%; the number of students who won the national award for excellent students increased by 5 prizes compared to the 2017-2018 school year and for the first time a student won the first prize at the national level (computer science).

Focus on sustainable development solutions

Mr. Nguyen Tam Duong said that, along with the tasks of the province, the provincial People's Committee should focus on directing agencies and units to continue checking, monitoring and taking specific measures in solving common points. traffic jams occur, not ensuring traffic safety, speeding up the construction, maintenance and maintenance of traffic infrastructure works and the management of construction of some works on the routes Street; direct the implementation of appropriate measures to reduce the tax debt ratio in the province. Along with that, the province strengthened the initiative and timely in the forecasting of the situation; at the same time, reviewing and evaluating the situation and results of implementing the Resolution of the Provincial People's Council on policies, planning and projects in the field of culture and society issued to promptly adjust and supplement. to suit the actual development situation of the province and ensure the implementation of the targets set by the Provincial People's Council Resolution.

Mr. Nguyen Tam Duong asked the Provincial People's Committee to continue to direct the effective implementation of basic and comprehensive innovation solutions in education and training, with particular emphasis on moral education and life skills for students. , especially the behavioral skills in educational institutions as prescribed in Circular No. 06/2019 / TT-BGDĐT dated April 12, 2016 of the Ministry of Education and Training; skills to cope with dangerous situations and protect yourself. Along with that, it is necessary to well implement the work of channeling and career orientation for students; to review and evaluate the results of implementation of the key vocational training scheme in Binh Duong province in the 2011-2015 period and orientations to 2020; at the same time, to promulgate a list of key occupations suitable to the province's socio-economic development conditions in the new situation. At the same time, the province continues to effectively implement the contents of protection and care of people's health in the new situation; continue to propose mechanisms and policies on socialization in the field of culture and society to call for more effective socialization.

Reported by Ho Van – Cao Son – Translated by Vi Bao


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