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South Africa, Vietnam foster scientific & technology cooperation

Update: 03-08-2015 | 15:17:40

 During an official visit to South Africa, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai on August 2 met with Minister of Science and Technology Grace Nadeli Mandisa Pandor, CEOs of Reutech and Karan Beef groups and witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on science and technology cooperation between the two countries.

During the meeting with South African Minister of Science and Technology Grace Nadeli Mandisa Pandor, Hai spoke highly of the signed MoU, saying that it will lay a foundation for the two ministries of science and technology to boost cooperation in the potential field.
Minister Pandor in turn expressed her deep impression on Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements and introduced the guests to South Africa’s scientific and technological strength, such as the application of bio-technology in health care, agriculture and energy.

She showed her desire to further strengthen cooperation in this field with Vietnam for mutual benefit.

At the meeting with Reutech group President Peter Van der Bil, Hai listened to Bil’s introduction to the group’s strong products of Vietnam concern, like modern radar equipment, which is used to give early warnings of natural disasters.

At another meeting, Karan Beef group President Matthew Karan introduced the group’s beef production and processing and the need to cooperate with Vietnamese partners.

Earlier, on the same day, Hai called at the Vietnamese Embassy and talked with overseas Vietnamese people and students there. He briefed the participants on the country’s recent socio-economic situation and the government’s targets and major tasks in the coming times.

The Vietnamese delegation also visited Nelson Mandela statue in Pretoria.


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