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Specialized commissions of Provincial People's Council examine contents presented at the year-end convention

Update: 30-11-2023 | 13:38:56

On November 29, Economic - Budget Commission of Binh Duong Provincial People's Council held a meeting to review contents related to the economic - budget fields that will be presented at the end of 2023 meeting session of the 10th Provincial People's Council.

At the meeting, representatives of the Economic - Budget Commission presented a draft report on verification results on draft resolutions in the economic - budget fields submitted to the 13th session, including: Draft resolution promulgating a list of public service services using the State budget in the field of natural resources and environment in the province; Draft resolution promulgating a list of public service services using the State budget in the field of agriculture and rural development in the province; Draft resolution promulgating a list of public service services using the State budget in the field of traffic and transportation in the province; draft resolution stipulating the content and tasks of spending on maintenance, repair and urgent handling of locally managed dyke incidents in the province; Draft resolution approving the settlement of State budget revenues in the area and settlement of local budget revenues and expenditures in 2022.

* On the same morning, Legal Commission of Provincial People's Council's also held a meeting to review legal contents presented at the 13th session (normally at the end of 2023). At the meeting, representatives of the Legal Commission presented an inspection report on four draft legal resolutions and one individual draft resolution.

After evaluating the verification reports on both economic - budget and legal fields, the delegates basically agreed with the draft verification reports; and gave comments on contents that need to be adjusted and supplemented accordingly. Based on these comments, representatives of Economic - Budget Commission and Legal Commission of Provincial People's Council requested the drafting units to absorb the delegates' opinions, review, adjust and complete draft resolutions submitted to the 13th year-end meeting of Provincial People's Council.

Reported by Do Trong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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