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Spread kindness in the community

Update: 08-04-2024 | 11:41:15

Voluntary blood donation is a noble gesture demonstrating the spirit of mutual affection between people. From the noble meaning of donating blood to save lives, the voluntary blood donation movement in the province has received the attention and active participation of many people from all walks of life.

Volunteers take part in voluntary blood donation at a n event in response to this year's National Voluntary Blood Donation Day organized by Red Cross Association of Thuan An City.

Donate blood to help people

For patients in need of blood for treatment, thanks to the timely replenishment of blood donated by volunteers, they receive treatment to regain their health and life. As for blood donors, they simply want to "give" so that love and kindness can be spread by the drops of blood they give.

When asked about the reason for participating involuntary blood donation, many blood donors said they donated blood because they wanted to share their blood to help patients in need of blood for treatment. As for Nguyen Thi Thu, Vice President of Red Cross Chapter of Vo Minh Duc High School (Thu Dau Mot City), happiness does not only come from the fact that she had donated blood 6 times, but it is also a process of health training to accomplish this meaningful deed. Before being eligible to join blood donation, Thu registered many times but every time she went for a health check, she failed because of anemia. Thu said: “I wanted to do blood donation early, but at that time I was 38 - 39kg, not enough weight, and I had anemia so I couldn't donate blood. After that, I tried to exercise and eat more, and it wasn't until 2019 that I qualified for blood donation. If you want to help others, you must have good health. I feel very happy when I have good health."

Vu Kim Khanh, currently working at Sharp Company (Tan Uyen City), has also joined voluntary blood donation for about 10 years. She said that up to now, she has donated blood 21 times. In addition to her participation, she also actively encouraged her family, friends, and colleagues to join the voluntary blood donation. “Voluntary blood donation is an activity that brings many meanings and benefits to the community and to blood donors themselves. First of all, for myself, donating blood helps blood cells to regularly regenerate, thereby making my body healthier. Second, donating blood has a noble humanitarian meaning. Every time we donate blood, we can save at least one person in need of blood for treatment. Therefore, although the blood donation schedule often coincides with working days, I always arrange time so that I can donate a few times a year," said Khanh. To encourage more colleagues to donate blood and save lives, Khanh is currently continuing to connect to bring this meaningful movement to her company in the near future.

Enthusiastically respond to

Every year, the voluntary blood donation movement in the province is organized many times through programs, such as: Red Spring Festival, Summer Blood Drops Campaign, National Blood Donor Day (April 7), International Day to Honor Blood Donors (June 14)... These activities have attracted the attention and participation of a large number of public employees, workers and people, spread love and sharing spirit in the community.

In response to this year's National People's Day of Voluntary Blood Donation (April 7), the Provincial Red Cross Society issued an official dispatch instructing districts, towns, and cities on organizing response activities. Accordingly, from March 15 to May 31, the entire province organizes campaigns and receives blood to reach at least 15% of the assigned target for the whole year 2024, in order to fully meet the blood needs for emergency and medical treatment of sick people. To effectively implement and achieve the set targets, the districts, towns, and city Red Crosses have spread it to grassroots association levels, and at the same time increased the organization of propagation activities and voluntary blood donation days in localities.

Doan Thi Thu Hong, Chairwoman of Thu Dau Mot City Red Cross, said that the city Red Cross Association developed a plan to mobilize officials, members, students, workers and people to actively participate to National People's Day of Voluntary Blood Donation. Red Cross Associations at all levels also enhance propagation in many forms such as through media channels and establishing propagation teams aiming directly to each target audience. In addition, the city's Red Cross coordinates with university administrators and company leaders in the area to organize propagation sessions to call for voluntary blood donation. Hong said: “Through these activities, officials, members, students, workers and people are increasingly raising awareness of voluntary blood donation, better understanding and actively participating in this humanitarian movement. Since then, the number of people donating blood for the first time and for repeat blood donations in the area has been increasing."

At a voluntary blood donation’s day jointly organized by Red Cross Association of Thu Dau Mot City in response to this year's National Voluntary Blood Donation Day, many people had to leave due to not having enough blood bags (coordinated by Blood Transfusion Center of Cho Ray Hospital). Similarly, at the Blood Donation Festival jointly organized by Thuan An City Red Cross on April 5, 468 blood units (equivalent to 468 blood donors) were received, but the number of blood donors registering was over 600 people. This shows that the volunteer spirit for the community is increasingly improving and the voluntary blood donation movement has spread extensively in the community.

According to reports of Provincial Red Cross Association, in response to this year's National People's Voluntary Blood Donation Day, most localities in the province organized blood donation campaigns. On this occasion, the Provincial Police also organized a voluntary blood donation campaign and received 295 units of blood. "Every drop of blood given - a life saved", like the message of this year's National People's Voluntary Blood Donation Day, each drop of blood "given" by volunteers is the most precious medicine, carrying humanitarian values, bringing health and saving the lives of many patients in need of blood.

Reported by Hong Thuan - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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