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State and business team up to stabilize market

Update: 06-02-2012 | 00:00:00

Assessing Tet goods market and commodity supply capacity of local businesses, the provincial department of Trade and Industry, said with efforts of increasing goods supply and market stability, local supermarkets and trade centers met local residents’ shopping demand before, during and after Tet.

Right from early June, 2011, the department and local trade businesses such as Co.op Mart, Vinatex, Citi Mart, Metro Cash & Carry, Thanh Le Trade-Import&Export Co. and so on teamed up to discuss goods reserve for Tet with the total value of VND370bil.

Overall, the local trade sector created an adequate supply to satisfy local residents’ shopping demand. During the Tet holiday, local supermarkets and trade centers offered 50% discount programs with lucky draws.

In terms of Tet goods supply for rural people, the department in cooperation with Phu Giao district’s remote communes held Tet market-days for rural residents with 5-30% discount programs.

Notably, thanks to close inspections on food safety and hygiene, many kinds of fruits and vegetables reached good quality.

Commodities at supermarkets are checked closely.

Reported by T.Hong – Translated by A.C

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