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Steel exports face anti-dumping lawsuit in US

Update: 12-08-2013 | 00:00:00
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) has officially begun antidumping duty investigations into oil country tubular goods (OCTG) imported from Vietnam, according to the Vietnam Competition Authority (VCA). On July 22, the DOC asked Vietnamese steel producers answer its inquiries into the price and value of made-in-Vietnam OCTG by August 12, 2013. The Department on July 30 launched all anti-dumping investigations based on individual tax rate registration documents. It said that the inquiries into the price and value will be used as criteria to define compulsory defendants sued by US plaintiffs. Those businesses getting involved in the anti-dumping lawsuit will enjoy tax rates lower than the national levels. In addition, businesses operating in non-market economies can register for individual tax rates to avoid being subjected to the national rate, which is much higher. They have 60 days to complete the registration since the DOC initiated the dumping inquiries on July 23, 2013. VOV
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