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Strengthening grasping public opinions

Update: 24-07-2018 | 18:55:14


On July 18, Provincial Party Commission for Propaganda and Training organized a conference to review works in the first six months, deploy tasks in the last 6 months, and sum up the contest of provincial excellent political theory lecturers 2018. Le Huu Phuoc, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Party Commission for Propaganda and Training, chaired the conference. The conference defined main propagation training tasks in the second half of the year, in which the focus was to continue to disseminate and implement Party Resolutions, step up the implementation of Politburo's Directive No. 05-CT/TW and intensify communication to grasp public opinions.


Organizers awarded prizes to contestants at the excellent political theory lecturers’ contest in 2018.

To improve the effectiveness of learning, propagating resolutions

According to Provincial Party Commission for Propaganda and Training, in the first 6 months of 2018, propagation and training work in the province basically completed assigned targets. Political propagation and training achieved good changes; was regularly renewed in terms of content and method, closely followed the development of local practical situation. Propaganda and Training Committee at all levels actively advised and organized the learning, implementation of the Party's directives and resolutions, contributing to quickly realizing Party's resolutions; intensified dissemination, communication, and fight against the conspiracy of "peaceful evolution" in ideology and culture. The studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideas, ethics and lifestyle in association with the implementation of Central Resolution 4 (12th term) was carried out seriously and created a strong change in awareness and actions, thus contributing to creating a high consensus, determination in the implementation of political tasks of localities and units, encouraging Party members and people of all strata to effectively carry out socio-economic development tasks, maintain political security and social order. Propaganda and Training Committee at all levels regularly collaborated with State management agencies, socio-political organizations in orienting and exchanging information and timely grasping public opinions, and proposed solutions to Party committees.

In the first 6 months 2018, Propaganda and Training system from provincial to grassroots level advised all-level Party committees to well organize the study of the 6th Resolution the 12th Central Party Committee. The province organized 515 sessions with 57,549 participants, including nearly 43,000 Party members and over 15,000 people. At a online conference organized by the Central, Binh Duong provincial Party Committee held an open meeting with leaders of districts, towns, city, and Party secretaries, grassroots Party organizations across the province. Provincial staffs had a chance to directly listen to presentations of the Central’s lecturers on the content of resolutions, helping key leaders to fully understand the core contents of resolutions to apply and develop action programs of localities and units in accordance with specific practical situation, contributing to bringing the resolution into life.

Thai Hong Son, Deputy Head of TDM City Party Propaganda and Training Commission, said that the Central resolutions of had really applied into daily life. This was the result of the Party's determination to solve "hot" issues, such as corruption prevention, handling unexemplary cadres, thereby creating trust, agreement of the people with guidelines, policies, political will of the Party and the State. This was the basis, the premise for resolutions to quickly come to life.

Paying attention to public opinions

In this conference, representatives of Propaganda and Training Commissions also shared their experiences in communications and grasp public opinions. According to delegates, this work was difficult, but Propaganda and Training Commissions took the initiative in grasping information and public opinions, prevent arising problems. Provincial Party Propaganda and Training Commission also regularly monitored, promptly grasped, analyzed, and oriented public opinion, and then promptly proposed directions and solutions to provincial Party Committee.

Nguyen Van Phuc, Deputy Head of Di An Town Propaganda and Training Commission, said that Di An had many workers, people coming from other localities to this area to live and work. Grasping public opinions has always been identified by the town Propaganda and Training Commission as a regular and important task. Through collaborators, lodging house owners’ clubs, youth workers' clubs, fan pages and social network, the Commission got two-way feedbacks; then timely proposed effective solutions to Party Committee. Representatives of Propaganda and Training Commissions also said that the grasping news and public opinions in the current period should be timely and fast. Personnel of this sector should be strengthened by improving work effectiveness of collaborators as well as diversifying the forms of information update.

Concluding the meeting, Le Huu Phuoc, Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Head of Provincial Party Commission for Propaganda and Training, suggested in the coming time, Propaganda and Training sector at all levels, branches, and localities should closely follow the direction and leadership of the Central Committee, Party Committee, and specific actual situation; actively renew contents and methods in order to effectively carry out works with the following key tasks: To counsel Party Committees about the seriously and effective organization of studying and implementation of the 7th Central Resolution; continue to effectively implement Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo; orient and propagate implementation results between the term of Party resolutions at all levels; intensify the management, communication with mass media to proactively provide information so that the people could clearly and completely understand guidelines and policies of the Party and the State; at the same time, timely grasp public opinions among cadres, party members, and people of all strata in order to advise the leadership to settle outstanding issues, sensitive public attentions...

Reported by Cao Son – Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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