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Strive to achieve the highest socio-economic targets in 2023

Update: 22-07-2023 | 14:10:18

At the 11th session of the 10th Provincial People's Council, after leaders of departments and branches answered questions, Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, presented a report to clarify issues under the authority of Provincial People's Committee.

Actively solve difficulties and problems

According to Vo Van Minh, socio-economic development of Binh Duong province in the first 6 months of 2023 took place in difficult conditions, faced more challenges than advantages and opportunities. Thanks to the early forecast and assessment of the tough situation from last months of 2022, Provincial People's Committee directed branches and localities to propose solutions to overcome difficulties and challenges; proactively, decisively and flexibly handle arising problems; remove obstacles in land price appraisal, compensation for site clearance, investment procedures for road traffic projects, procedures for land, investment, administrative reform, support production and business and speed up disbursement of public investment capital...

Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, gives an explanation at the Q&A session.

Specifically, due to the shortcomings and limitations of public investment, right from the beginning of 2023, Provincial People's Committee issued Directive No. 04/CT-UBND dated March 27, 2023; organized the signing of contracts and launched emulation movements to accelerate disbursement of public investment capital; regularly grasped the situation, checked the progress of key projects; focused on doing well the investment preparation, developed the implementation plan, monitored the implementation progress of each project; urgently paid compensation and site clearance right after the unit price was approved...

As of July 20, 2023, the disbursement value of the provincial 2023 public investment plan was 6,783 billion VND, reaching 31.1% of the plan assigned by the province and reaching 55.7% of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister. Although the disbursement rate was similar to the same period last year, the absolute disbursement value was nearly 2.5 times higher. On the other hand, Provincial People's Committee also asked competent departments and branches to find effective solutions to support businesses, especially those in timber, textile and footwear industries that faced many difficulties due to increased inventories, difficulty in accessing capital, high interest costs, etc., to recover production and business and find new markets.

Besides, branches and levels actively reviewed and classified the situation of each business group and each firm to have active support solutions; implemented trade promotion programs, stimulated export products of the province; timely and fully implemented policies of the Central Government to support businesses; restricted and inspected production facilities that are not necessary.

The above efforts have contributed to the province's socio-economic promotion in the first 6 months of 2023, and gained some results. Economic growth was at 3.76%, lower compared to the same period last year, but this is a positive result compared to the average of the whole country and some other provinces in the Southern Key Economic Zone, as well as provinces with growing industry.

Focus on implementing key solutions

Mr. Minh said, Provincial People's Committee will be determined to direct and administer the implementation of specific solutions, strive to achieve the highest socio-economic targets in 2023 set by Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People's Council. Namely, Provincial People's Committee focused on key tasks, such as continuing to review and promptly remove barriers and obstacles in some fields of land, construction and investment; procedures that hinder production and business activities, improve the business investment environment; remove bottlenecks, support businesses to restore production and business, seek export markets, develop the domestic market to consume products.

The province continues to accelerate the progress of policy formulation and the establishment of industrial clusters to carry out the relocation of firms in the south to localities in the north; focus on agricultural development in the direction of smart agriculture, high-tech application agriculture; building new rural areas, advanced new rural areas, model new rural areas and smart villages; proactively prevent and combat landslides, ensure life safety, limit property damage to people and infrastructure works, especially in the rainy season.

In parallel, Provincial People's Committee coordinated with localities to perform tasks of Coordinating Council of the Southeast region; focus on railway traffic routes (urban, regional), expressways, planning of riverside towns, forming a regional transport development fund and regional development contents in terms of OCOP, human resources, health-care (regional CDC, regional hospital); urgently integrate development-oriented contents of industrial parks, industrial clusters, logistics, trade, services and cultural and educational institutions into the provincial planning to promptly complete the appraisal and approval process.

In addition, the province continues to develop and approve the adjustment of the general planning of districts, towns and cities in accordance with the development orientation. Particularly for Thu Dau Mot city, in order to meet the current requirements of urban development, it is necessary to focus on solving difficulties and obstacles, determine to operate and successfully implement the 2023 public investment plan.

Currently, the most difficult stage is site clearance, compensation, including power lines because it is related to the population; valuation and compensation. Therefore, competent branches at all levels must solve bottlenecks in compensation and clearance, creating an emulation movement on compensation for site clearance; urgently announce the 2024 public investment capital plan for investors to soon have an investment preparation plan...

Vo Van Minh also recommended Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Council’s delegates and voters to strengthen supervision and timely make recommendations for Provincial People's Committee to effectively and promptly direct and operate in order to successfully implement the socio-economic development objectives in 2023.

Reported by Do Trong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh


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