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Studying and following Uncle Ho’s teachings associated with emulation movements

Update: 03-05-2019 | 10:51:47

Over the past time, Thuan An town’s Labor Union seriously implemented the Politburo’s Directive No.05-CT/TW on acceleration of studying and following late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle.

The Executive Committee of the town’s Labor Union set action programs, instructed trade unions at all levels to coordinate with authorities, socio-political mass organizations to realize the Directive by many practical and concrete contents…Civil servants and laborers in the town also actively registered emulation titles in labor union activities and specialist tasks through movements, namely “Well working, creatively working”, “Good at home, responsible at workplace”…

Especially, the town’s Labor Union disseminated special subjects on late President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle for 393 workers. On the occasion of the anniversary of Uncle Ho’s birthday, the National Workers’ Month and Week, units organized a sports festival for more than 1,500 trade union officials, members and laborers; visited and presented 340 gifts to needy workers, 46 of whom were hit by workplace accidents.

The Trade Union local of the town’s Business Bloc also selected 167 outstanding workers in the “Well working, creatively working” emulation movement in association with following Uncle Ho’s teachings to be honored by provincial Labor Union.

Reported by Ngoc Thanh-Translated by K.T

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