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Sunflower Journey encourages youths to emerge by career establishment

Update: 26-06-2023 | 14:34:02

On the evening of June 24, the Steering Committee 138 of Tan Uyen city organized a program to visit and encourage typical clubs, teams, groups and youths in drug detoxification and career development. At the program, the Steering Committee gave collective gifts to the Club of Lighting Up Faith in Tan Phuoc Khanh ward and gave gifts to 4 typical young people of good drug addiction treatment with a total value of VND 4.5 million.

This is the second Sunflower Journey in a series of visiting clubs, teams, groups, and young people who have recovered from their addiction and urinated in drug addiction treatment.

Previously, local Youth Union, Police, People's Court and People's Procuracy of Tan Uyen city coordinated to organize the mimic trial at the office of Binh Hoa 1 neighborhood of Tan Phuoc Khanh ward. The trial reconstructed the case that a drug addict with a criminal record had illegally bought, sold, stored and used narcotics, escaped from a drug rehabilitation facility and sold other people's property gained from crime for benefits.

After the trial, union members, young workers and people had questions related to the trial and were specifically answered by the authorities in the fourth mimic trial in a series of trials held in response to the "All People's Day for Prevention and Control of Drugs" on June 26, 2023 in the city.

Reported by Nhu Y – Translated by Vi Bao

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