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Supervision delegation of Provincial People's Council works in Tan Uyen Town

Update: 08-05-2020 | 10:36:04

In the morning of May 6, the Delegation of the Economic and Budget Board of the provincial People's Council worked in Tan Uyen Town on the results of investment in building the transport infrastructure system in the town. Attending were Mr. Ho Quang Diep, Standing Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council.

The supervision team checked the actual transport works in Tan Uyen Town

After directly surveying a number of construction works and technical infrastructure in Tan Uyen Town area, the supervision team worked with the town leaders and related agencies and units. According to the report, up to now, the implementation of investment in building the transport infrastructure system in the town has had many clear changes and achieved many positive results.

Notably, Tan Uyen urban space is gradually formed in the direction of civilization, modernity and synchronization in terms of technical and social infrastructure, gradually improving the quality of life of the people and society, developing in the right direction; system of roads in the town, including roads, inland waterways basically meet the needs of travel and transport of goods of people and businesses. Currently, the town is gradually planning and developing the transport network in the direction of synchronization, modernity and regional connectivity.

At the meeting, Tan Uyen Town leaders proposed and proposed a number of issues that the province and the central government should pay attention and support in the coming time, such as: Early deploying investment in the Trans-Asia Railway - Loc Ninh; construction of key traffic works passing through the town such as ring road 4, extended DT 746, DT 747A, and urban railways.

The monitoring mission highly appreciated the results of investment in building the transport infrastructure system system of Tan Uyen Town over the past time. Mr. Nguyen Tam Duong, Head of Economic and Budget Committee of the provincial People's Council, on behalf of the supervision mission, also suggested that in the coming time, the town should build a transport infrastructure to ensure the investment projects are implemented. in an effective area, creating a "solid framework" to connect local traffic as well as regional connections. In addition, the town should review to supplement and adjust the projects in accordance with the local urban development conditions; It is necessary to continue completing the adjustment of the Town's General Plan till 2040, in accordance with the general development orientation of the province; promote socialization of transportation infrastructure construction, compensation progress.

Reported by Minh Duy – Translated by Vi Bao

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