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Synchronizing solutions, building up modern agriculture

Update: 29-11-2023 | 14:05:46

To create changes in the agricultural sector, tapping and promoting strengths in soil and climate, Binh Duong has synchronously implemented solutions to restructure and build agriculture towards modern and sustainable development.

Shifting in right direction

The province’s agricultural sector and localities have been proactive to recheck and convert ineffective crop areas to crops with higher economic value in line with conditions of each region, brought new varieties with high productivity and quality in production, developed hi-tech agricultural models, linked production and consumption of products along the value chain. From spontaneous and backward production, the whole province now has more than 5,760 hectares of farming land with hi-tech application.

Large-scale, modern animal husbandry farms are developing strongly in Binh Duong

Meanwhile, the local animal husbandry sector has changed positively in the direction of concentration and large scale, with the proportion of farm livestock accounting for over 90% of the total livestock and poultry herd. Industrial, semi-industrial animal husbandry and biosafety farms are gradually replacing scattered and small-scale animal husbandry, gradually forming up a link between breeders and product processing and consuming enterprises.

Binh Duong's total livestock herd is currently nearly 750,000 heads while the total poultry herd is over 13.5 million heads with a total meat output of more than 200,000 tons. In addition, Binh Duong is one of localities achieving high results in building up animal disease-free zones towards export goals. Provincial sub Department of Animal Health has recognized 10 district-level disease-free areas, 47 commune-level disease-free facilities and 185 disease-free livestock farms.

In new-style rural construction, reality showed that all-level authorities, sectors and localities have made efforts in synchronously deploying the program with socio-economic development plans, in association with the urban development roadmap of the province and districts, towns and cities. Especially, investment in developing important infrastructure projects on transportation, electricity, water, healthcare, education, culture... has facilitated connection, narrowing the gap between urban centers with rural areas of the province. Many creative and effective ways have proven their practical value, contributing to creating motivation in the work of building new-style rural areas.

So far, Binh Duong has had all 41 communes with rural standards, reaching 100%; 29 out of 41 communes with advanced new-style rural standards, reaching 70%; 3 out of 6 district-level units recognized as the new-style rural ones. Three districts of Phu Giao, North Tan Uyen and Bau Bang have submitted their dossiers, but they have not been planned for district zones. Therefore, they have not been recognized.

Value on sharp increase

According to leader of provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the local agriculture and rural development sector has continued effectively implementing projects and plans to restructure the sector comprehensively, synchronously, with focus, operating under market mechanisms, applying new science and technology which is considered as the main driving force to create added value and transform growth models. The department has also organized to link production and business chains in agriculture for innovation. The quality of agricultural products has been improved while the competitiveness of agricultural commodities has made many advances. On the other hand, the sector has well performed the work of disease prevention in crops and livestock. The local animal husbandry has also changed positively towards concentration...

In 2022, the value of agriculture, forestry and fisheries grew by 3% per year. The value of agricultural production reached nearly VND18 trillion. The proportion of agriculture in the province's overall economic structure by the end of 2022 was 3.12%. Although the proportion decreased, its value increased 14.2 times compared to 1997. For many consecutive years, the average income per capita of people in rural areas has grown continuously. In 2022, the figure reached VND73million. The province’s total number of agricultural farms ranked 2nd in the Southeastern region and 5th in the country. The province’s rubber planting area and dry latex output ranked 2nd nationwide. The province’s number of pig herds ranked 8th while the number of poultry herds ranked 12th nationwide. The province was among the country’s top localities in high-tech husbandry animal capacity.

Pham Van Bong, Director of provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development said that the high level of urbanization and the fastest growth rate in the country has created many advantages, but also posed many challenges for the local agricultural sector in terms of labor costs, land, and opportunities to attract investment capital. In the face of challenges, Binh Duong's agricultural industry has implemented many creative solutions and achieved great strides, with many areas leading the country.

Entering a new period, Binh Duong's agricultural sector is determined to continue upholding the existing foundation and more creatively applying resolutions on agriculture, farmers and rural areas in association with the new orientation of the smart city - innovation zone project while  making a breakthrough, converting from small-large production models to the professional production ones with advanced technology application, upholding potential, promoting science and technology, innovation and digital transformation, building up model rural areas in association with smart villages, bringing agriculture and rural areas to a new level.

Reported by Thoai Phuong-Huong Thao-Translated by Kim Tin

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