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Tan Hiep’s FFC upholds strength of national great unity bloc

Update: 02-12-2013 | 00:00:00

Upholding the strength of national great unity bloc was one of the main tasks regularly realized by the Fatherland Front Committee (FFC) of Tan Hiep commune in Phu Giao district in the 2008 and 2013 tenure. In the 2013 and 2018 tenure, the main tasks of the communal FFC are to further expand the national great unity bloc, innovate how to gather members, focus on residential areas to effectively implement campaigns, contributing to building up a prosperous and strong homeland. 

Members of Tan Hiep commune’s FFC for the 2013-2018 tenure introduced

Luong Cong Hoan, Chairman of Tan Hiep commune’s FFC for the 2008-2013 tenure said that under the attention and instruction of provincial and district-level FFCs, the commune’s Party Committee, the commune’s FFC over the past five years well realized the task of building the national great unity bloc, mobilized locals to actively get involved in patriotic emulation movements and execute the local socio-economic development tasks.

The commune’s FFC joined hands with relevant agencies to speed up education and propaganda among locals, increasing their vigilance against wicked plots of the enemy and hostile forces; mobilized locals to actively respond to the local campaigns. Noticeably, the commune’s FFC promoted the campaign of “The entire people consolidate to build a cultural lifestyle in residential areas”. 87% of households herein were recognized as cultural households. Among them, 70% won the title of “cultural household” for 3 consecutive years.

The commune’s FFC also mobilized locals to raise VND281bln for the local Fund for the Poor, build 33 great unity houses for needy households with a total expense of more than VND1bln; built and upgraded 7 gratitude households for policy beneficiary families with a total expense of VND320mln.

In response to the national target program on new rural construction, the commune’s FFC made a plan to mobilize locals to get involved in the program, thereby creating a consensus among them. Particularly, locals donated more than 3,000 sq.m of land together with billions of dong to the program, contributing to helping the commune reach 11 out of 19 criteria of the program.

The commune’s FFC also mobilized locals to actively get involved in the movements of “All people take part in defending national security”, “Helping each other in economic people” with tens of billions of dong, contributing to reducing the ratio of the local poor household.

Mr.Luong added that the commune’s FFC mobilized locals to actively participate in emulation movements, contributing to successfully implementing all set tasks. This also contributed to reshaping the image of the commune and developing the commune into a bright spot in terms of economic development, educational innovation and administrative procedure reform, especially in the national target program on new rural construction.

All achievements done in the last tenure will be a premise for the commune’s FFC to define orientations and tasks for the 2013-2014 tenure. Accordingly, the commune’FFC will further uphold the strength of national great unity bloc; innovate how to gather members; promote the campaigns of “The entire people consolidate to build up a cultural lifestyle in residential areas”, the “Day for the Poor”, the “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”; uphold the ownership rights of the people, strengthen close relations among people, Party and State.

Particularly, the commune’s FFC will strive to get 100% of residential areas sufficiently extending 5 contents of the campaign “The entire people consolidate to build a cultural lifestyle in residential areas”; reach at least 95% of households with the title of “cultural households”; have 100% of residential areas in implementation of the campaign “The Day for the Poor”…

The commune’s FFC will also continue paying more attention to patriotic emulation movements and activities with the goal of raising the position and role of Fatherland Front in the cause of national industrialization and modernization, the national target program on new rural construction, contributing to successfully realizing the local political tasks.

Reported by Hoai Phuong-Translated by K.T

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