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Tan Long is changing

Update: 16-01-2014 | 00:00:00

Going on asphalted roads shrouded under immense rubber plantations, we arrive at Tan Long commune – one of pilot communes of new rural building in Binh Duong province.

Tan Long rural area is now changing. Every one visiting the locality can feel a new vitality emerging across the countryside.

Tan Long is now busying with trade on the year-end days. Tan Long people are eager to welcome the title of new rural commune after the locality completed 19 out of 19 criteria.

Tan Long commune People’s Committee chairman Khong Van Cuong said that thanks to attention of all level authorities, agencies, mass bodies as well as hi-unity of local people, Tan Long commune just reaches the present achievements. In order to reach the set goals and plans, Tan Long has set out 9 measures of spurring dissemination among local people, implementing supportive policies of health insurance for privileged and poor households and sub-poor families, accelerating role of fronts and mass bodies, pushing up the emulation movement of “All people make the effort to build new rural areas” in attachment to the mobilization of “All people unite to build a cultural life in residential areas” and so on.

According to Cuong, aside from investment of local authorities, hi-unity from local residents is one of the most important factors to spur completion of the new rural building program as schedule.   

The program of new rural building has been disseminated widely for people with the motto of “People know, do, inspect and enjoy”. The very wide dissemination has helped local people realize common and concrete interests for every individual, creating a hi-unity.

This clearly shows implementation of some criteria and targets of rural traffic, culture, housing, environment and so on. However, Tan Long’s basic advantage in this program is the very 10 year-implementation of new rural building in the previous period. In the past, the locality’s new rural building program lacked concrete goals and targets but it implemented well its planning work. Therefore, implementing the program in the new period reaches many advantages.

According to Cuong, thanks to the advance planning, site clearance and compensation did not take much time, expense. The work on new rural building on new standards has been implemented properly and reached high quality.

Through the new rural building program, Tan Long-based socio-economy situation has changed positively and strongly. Infrastructure facility in the locality has been invested synchronously whilst local people’s material and spiritual living has been improved significantly.

At present, 100% of communal roads have been asphalted, 100% of rural routes have been concretized, 99.8% of local households have used the national electricity grid and clean water, local people’s average income has reached VND24mil per capita per year, rate of poor household has been at 0.87% and many more.

Vo Van Long, one of local people closely monitoring the local program of new rural building said “Living in the locality in a long time, I realize that Tan Long commune has changed rapidly, especially in the current years. Through the new rural building program, I realize many welfare works have been built to improve local residents’ living conditions”.

Though Tan Long completed all criteria, the locality remains incomplete some targets. Therefore, the locality targets to finalize requirements set out by the nation by the end of 2014.

“We will promote the done criteria and perfect the remaining targets”, Khong Van Cuong said. Spring is coming to Tan Long and local residents will feel more warmer when targets of the new rural building program are going to be completed.

Reported by D.Binh – Translated by A.C

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