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Tan Uyen city Association of Women enhances law dissemination to grassroots

Update: 20-07-2023 | 14:43:04

The coordination of propaganda and dissemination of laws to improve knowledge and life skills for women and children has always been well taken care of by the Association off Women of Tan Uyen city in recent years.

In the past time, the legal propaganda for female workers has been focused on by the departments, branches and unions of Tan Uyen city. Photo: Hung Phuoc

 According to Duong Ngoc Hang Nga, Chairwoman of the Association of Women of Tan Uyen city, currently 14 associations in the locality include 12 grassroots of communes and wards and 2 affiliations of Ba Nhat Bamboo and Rattan Cooperative and Tan Uyen city Police. In the past time, the Association of Women of Tan Uyen city and localities regularly organize propaganda, dissemination and education of the law through activities at branches, associations, club activities, renting accommodation branches, propaganda. In the first 6 months of the year, 350 propaganda campaigns were held with more than 12,000 participating women.

In addition, legal propaganda was also carried out on the radio. Every week on Friday morning, content related to the rights and interests of women and children was propagated with a duration of 3-5 minutes. Particularly, the Association of Women of Tan Uyen city coordinated with the local Radio Station to carry out the Women's Radio program whose broadcasting time is 15 minutes, which is one of the very meaningful activities that the Standing Board of the Women's Union of Tan Uyen city has done in order to promptly inform members and women of the necessary things in life.

Recently, the Association of Women of Tan Uyen city has always focused on propaganda through social networks. As a result, 355 times with 272,605 women's members approached; 14,925 leaflets, propagandizing the ‘All People's Day against drugs’ of June 26 as well as mobilizing members and relatives to raise the spirit of drug prevention and control and the harmful effects of drug use drug have been distributed in organized form.

Up to now, 13 Law Bookcases with 1,270 titles equipped in places serving the people have been available across the city of Tan Uyen. It is noteworthy that some female workers' associations in Thai Hoa, Tan Phuoc Khanh, Khanh Binh wards are equipped with baskets of books and newspapers, helping immigrant workers to read and refer to interesting and relevant content, practical in everyday life.

At the hostels, during this summer, union officials also regularly propagate drowning prevention and control, drug prevention and control, sexual abuse prevention and control in children, security and order for people accommodation through direct propaganda and the distribution of thousands of flyers. “Currently, in the locality, there are many good models and effective ways to propagate the law to women. Among them, 12 clubs of "Women with the law" can be mentioned with 227 members. The clubs organize monthly activities as their members always actively propagate and disseminate the law integrated in activities and associations and consult directly with members and women when required. At the same time, the Thanh Hoi continues to maintain 12 clubs of "Preventing domestic violence and child abuses to build up happy and sustainable families" with 419 members," Duong Ngoc Hang Nga shared.

Reported by Quynh Nhu – Translated by Vi Bao

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