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Tan Uyen city strives to attract 205,700 turns of visiting and staying visitors until 2030

Update: 07-08-2023 | 15:18:15

That is one of the goals set out in the plan to implement the Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2030 in Tan Uyen city.

In 2021 to 2025, Tan Uyen city, specifically, strives to attract about 145,700 visitors in the area, which should be about 205,700 by 2030. To achieve the goal, Tan Uyen city has proposed many solutions including the continual supplementation and completion of mechanisms and policies for tourism development, mobilization of resources for the development of material and technical foundations in service of tourism, human resource development, development of the market and especially the improvement of the quality of tourism products as well as the development of specific tourism products of the locality.

Reported by Cam Ly – Translated by Vi Bao

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