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Tan Uyen collects 936 units of blood

Update: 06-04-2013 | 00:00:00

Tan Uyen district’s Steering Board of Voluntary Blood Donation, on April 5, held a get-together to review its activities in 2012 and implement plans during 2013 on the occasion of the National Humanitarian Blood Donation Day (April 7).

At the get-together, participants mentioned the significance of voluntary blood donation to blood donors and receivers. In 2012 alone, the district held 4 voluntary blood donation campaigns and collected 936 units of blood (or 117 of the projection) with a total value of more than VND435mln. The district will further propagandize and mobilize people from all walks of life to give 1,400 units of blood in accordance with the province’s target.

On this occasion, the district’s People’s Committee awarded the certificates of merit to 14 collectives and 7 individuals for their excellent performance in the mobilization of voluntary blood donation and 91 individuals who actively took part in voluntary blood donation in 2012.

Reported by Thien Ly-Translated by K.T

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