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Tan Uyen firmly steps on way of industrialization, modernization and urbanization

Update: 26-02-2019 | 11:26:00

Entering the New Year 2019, Tan Uyen town was officially recognized as a third-class city. This is an important event, affirming the development of the town on the way of industrialization, modernization and urbanization. Upholding this result, the town will continue putting forward new targets in order to fit to be the homeland of the heroic War Zone D.

Ideal destination for investors

In 2018, Tan Uyen town announced a decision recognizing it as a third-class city from the Ministry of Construction. The town further reached stable economic growth; paid more attention to culture, education and social welfare; maintained political security, social order and safety.

Goods export-import at Thanh Phuoc port in Tan Uyen town

Particularly, the town’s industrial production value grow by 12%; trade-services by 18.2%; agro-forestry-fisheries by 1.1%. The average income per capita of the local people was VND120million per year. Last year, the town also absorbed additional 76 domestic investment projects with total registered capital of VND709billion and 33 FDI ones capitalized at US$140million. As of now, the whole town had a total of 971 licensed investment projects…

Although not occupying a great proportion in economic structure, the district’s agriculture sector has still created a hallmark with hi-quality products bearing the special trademark of Tan Uyen like Bach Dang pomelo. The district’s hi-tech agricultural projects have also opened up new prospects for the local agricultural sector. The development of economy has brought the local people a better life with the average GRGP income per capital of VND120million per year.

Doan Hong Tuong, Secretary of Tan Uyen town’s Party Committee, Chairman of the town’s People’s Committee said that the recognition of Tan Uyen as a third-class city has affirmed the evolution of the town over the past time; opened up more opportunities for the local socio-economic development, improving locals’ spiritual and material lives…

Creating consensus

The above-mentioned results came from consensus between the local government and people. Mr.Tuoi said that expanding dialogues between leaders of the town and people is seen as an innovation in State administration, thereby contributing to strengthening the great national unity bloc.  Reflections from grassroots level have also become a major information channel, helping the local government get concrete solutions in directing the implementation of the local political tasks. Through this, many urgent issues were handled together confidential ideas shared, contributing to building up a more and more prosperous Tan Uyen.

Towards new goal

In 2019, Tan Uyen town will focus on ensuring stable growth; continue perfecting a socio-economic infrastructure system, making urban development; guarantee social welfare, improving locals’ spiritual and material lives…Particularly, the town will strive to reach the growth of sectors at 13.5%-13.7%, in which industrial manufacture-construction sector rises by 11.9%; trade-services by 19%; obtain the average income per capita of VND132million per year; maintain 100% of households in use of clean water and power; give vocational training for 220 laborers, introduce jobs to more than 4,000 laborers; get 93.6% of people joining health insurance; have additional 2 national standard schools…

Mr.Tuoi emphasized that the determination, solidarity of the local entire Party, government and people will be the strength for Tan Uyen town to fulfill the set targets in 2019.

Reported by Thu Thao-Translated by K.T

Tan Uyen
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