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Tax industry dialogues with businesses: Many improvements, businesses are satisfied

Update: 20-09-2023 | 13:55:40

Most of enterprises’ problems in the implementing process of tax obligations were answered clearly at the 2023 business dialogue conference held by Provincial Tax Department on the morning of September 19. This meeting helped the business community update new policies and limit tax-related risks and errors in the production and business process.

Nguyen Van Cong (second from left), Director of Binh Duong Tax Department, talks with delegates after the dialogue.

Many problems arise

The dialogue around tax issues attracted nearly 400 delegates from 224 businesses in the province with nearly 80 questions. The content mainly concerned tax refunds, missed invoices, how to handle on-site exports, or how will incentives from land rental and non-agricultural land use be calculated.

The issue concerning many businesses was whether the land use fee is an annual land tax or monthly land tax payment, and the land price is deductible when transferring land use rights. Are goods subject to a tax rate of 10% (normal rate) applied as instructed for goods subject to a tax rate of 8%? Are there any other instructions from the tax authority?

These problems were answered specifically by representatives of Provincial Tax Department. Regarding on-spot export tax refund, which is currently being handled according to prescribed procedures, an official dispatch has been sent to the customs department and the on-spot import-export dossier has been transferred to check first, refund later. Incentives from land lease and non-agricultural land use are issues of preferential policies. Therefore, if businesses meet the preferential conditions in terms of format and regulations, they will continue to enjoy incentives from tax policies. The handling of invoices for 524 companies at risk of invoices was announced by the General Department of Taxation. If the invoice arises before the company’s director flee and is eligible, it can be declared for tax refund. If the invoice is issued after the flee, it is illegal, no input deduction...

Business representatives express opinions at the dialogue.

Answer clearly and specifically

This year, the direct dialogue conference of Provincial Tax Department attracted great attention from the local business community, bringing a quite high spillover effect. According to businesses, its quality was upgraded and improved compared to previous ones. Indeed, it was a meeting to reflect and listen opinions very frankly. Businesses were satisfied with this new way of working that is close to reality.

Le Thi Duyen, an accountant of Dong Lap Paper Packaging Co., Ltd., said that in addition to face-to-face discussions, Binh Duong Tax Department also distributed papers to each business to collect questions and recommendations. “It is very practical and useful to participate in the dialogue organized by Provincial Tax Department. This activity should be maintained regularly, and recommendations were resolved right at the meeting. Businesses are informed about new tax policies, we are very pleased," Duyen said.

Sharing the same opinion, Hoang Thi Thanh Huyen, accountant of Leather Shoes Export Co., Ltd. (Thuan An City), said she strongly agreed with the response of Provincial Tax Department’s leaders, who were daring to admit errors, limitations as solving problems of businesses. “This is a new way of doing things in Binh Duong. We hope that the tax branch will promote the superiority of this event and organize more conferences throughout the year so that taxpayers can access or express their concerns and problems as soon as possible," Huyen said.

Speaking at the conference, Nguyen Van Cong, Director of Provincial Tax Department, said that due to limited time, there were still some questions from businesses that were not answered at the conference, Provincial Tax Department will summarize and send response letters to businesses as soon as possible. Provincial Tax Department has organized many forms of assistance for businesses such as email, phone, website, social pages... Dialogue conference is one of a series of activities "Business listening week". This is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship between tax authorities and the business community to remove difficulties and obstacles arising from the practical implementation of provisions of legal policies and create favorable conditions for tax policy implementation.

Talking about the tax agency's reform process and accompanying businesses, Kang Hyoung Sik, Vice Chairman of Kocham Binh Duong Association, said that in recent times the tax authority has promoted the application of information technology and digitalization to serve enterprises and has had remarkable results. In particular, the tax industry has made outstanding reforms in almost every field, especially the application of information technology and digitalization in the management and service of businesses, especially the reform of administrative procedures. In addition, civil servants in tax industry have high spirit of serving customers, working in a friendly manner and are very cooperative to assist businesses.

Reported by Thanh Hong - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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