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TDM city: Planning towards civilization, modernity and multiculturalism

Update: 01-03-2022 | 13:13:50

Yesterday afternoon (February 28), Nguyen Van Loi, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation had a meeting with leaders of Thu Dau Mot city around planning work and some other important contents. Mai Hung Dung, member of provincial Party Standing Committee, Permanent Vice-Chairman of provincial People's Committee and leaders of a number of relevant departments and sectors attended the meeting.

Progress of overall planning still slow

At the meeting, representative of the Thu Dau Mot city’s People's Committee reported the progress of the implementing the Planning of Thu Dau Mot city to 2030, with a vision to 2050; the progress of implementing the overall adjustment of Thu Dau Mot master urban planning to 2040; the progress of adjustment of zoning planning at the rate of 1/2000 of wards and the progress of adjustment of land use planning to 2030.

Nguyen Van Loi (second right), member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of provincial Party Committee, Head of provincial National Assembly Deputy Delegation talks to leaders of Thu Dau Mot city when conducting a field trip in Thu Dau Mot city

Accordingly, in addition to results done, the overall planning of Thu Dau Mot urban area and the zoning planning of 12 wards are still slow and have not met the set progress yet. This is due to the process of setting up documents for the adjustment of the overall planning and zoning planning facing some problems. Particularly, the review and adjustment of the overall planning, the zoning planning are carried out in accordance with the planning law, but there have been many amended legal documents, newly promulgated regulations and standards in recent years, so relevant units need time to study and apply, affecting the planning progress.

There are also a number of other reasons. For example, urban planning must meet a regulation that lower-level planning must be consistent with the higher-level planning under the Article 4 of the Law on Planning No. 30/2009/QH12 dated June 17, 2009. This is because the planning of the province in the new period has not been approved yet, so Thu Dau Mot urban master planning and zoning planning are under adjustment. They are also waiting for higher-level planning, ensuring synchrony. Besides, in 2021, the situation of Covid-19 epidemic was complicated. Thu Dau Mot city must focus on pandemic prevention and control, so there was still a lack of close direction as well as close coordination with relevant departments and sectors, making the task of setting up procedures for adjustment of the master planning not to ensure the progress as planned.

According to the city’s leaders, Thu Dau Mot city will coordinate with provincial departments, sectors and consulting units to organize and implement the planning of Binh Duong province in the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050 here under the directives of provincial People's Committee and the guidance of departments, sectors while organizing seminars and conferences on the local socio-economic development strategies to 2030, with a vision to 2050 to assess the local real situation, seeking development ideas and plans for the city, thereby contributing development orientations to the planning of the province...

Developing city into worth-living place

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Loi asked for leaders of Thu Dau Mot city to continue drastically directing the formulation of the city's overall planning and relevant plans for approval from provincial Party Standing Committee in March 2022. This is also the timeline that applies to all districts, towns and cities in the province. Regarding a number of contents in the city's planning work in the coming time, he noted that it is necessary for the city to attach importance to the planning for the development of the cultural sector so as to be commensurate with economic development.

In the immediate future, provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Thu Dau Mot city will urgently implement the construction of the memorial site to Junior Doctor Nguyen Sinh Sac. Mr. Loi said that this is a very important and meaningful work in gratitude for the great contributions of Junior Doctor Nguyen Sinh Sac to the nation in general, and Binh Duong province in particular while contributing to traditional education among generations.

He also suggested leaders of the city to deliberate the construction of a museum park about the history of the Party, government and the people; the history of industries; Thu land and Binh Duong’s traditional craft villages on lacquer, ceramics, glass paintings...He paid special attention to the planning of green areas for the city. “Thu Dau Mot city inherits many values, including a system of vegetation and green parks. Therefore, the city needs to continue planning more methodically; must take more care so that its green space gets more and environment is greener...", noted he.

Regarding the planning of trade and services, Mr.Loi asked for provincial Department of Industry and Trade and Thu Dau Mot city to consider the task of planning a large-scale night market in the city for trade-services and tourism development. Besides, the city needs to deliberate the construction of underground space, ensure the local order and urban beauty. All aim to build up a civilized, modern, multicultural city, deserving to be the province’s hub, a worth-living place for everyone.

Also on the afternoon of February 28, Mr. Loi made an inspection tour on Covid-19 prevention and control in Tan An ward. Here, he extended best regards to the ward’s medical staff while offering gifts to them. He also noted that Tan An ward and Thu Dau Mot city as well as all localities in the province should focus on speeding up third COVID-19 vaccine doses for people, ensuring that the task will be completed in March 2022. By the end of March, children from 5 to 11 years old will get vaccinated against Covid-19.

Regarding urban planning along Saigon river, Mr. Loi asked for Thu Dau Mot city to closely coordinate with departments, sectors and consulting units to well implement this planning. He noted: “Every planning must be for the people and the people must also join hands with the government in implementing planning work; the government invests in infrastructure for the benefit of the people…”.

Reported by Tri Dung-Translated by Kim Tin

TDM city
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