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TDM city’s Youth Union marks 83rd founding anniversary of HCYU

Update: 25-03-2014 | 00:00:00

Early March 24, TDM city’s Youth Union held a get-together to mark the 83rd anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) (March 26, 1931-March 26, 2014) to review the glorious tradition of the HCYU over the past 83 years. 

TDM city’s Youth Union activities, teenagers and children’s movements were constantly improved in both content and form over the past time. Noticeably, the city’s Youth Union, Youth Federation and Young Pioneer Organization last year retained the excellent emulation titles…

In 2014, TDM city’s youngsters will further uphold the glorious tradition of the HCYU and be always vanguard in the national industrialization and modernization cause. They will also make efforts in studying and following Uncle Ho’s teachings, making contributions to the cause of building up a modern and civilized TDM city.

On this occasion, TDM city’s Youth Union also awarded the memento “For young generation” to 10 Youth Union officials over periods for their contributions to the local Youth Union activities and teenagers-children’s movements (photo).

Reported by Kim Chi-Translated by K.T

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