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Teaching – a precious work

Update: 22-05-2013 | 00:00:00
This is the statement of teacher Le Thi Hong Thuy, headmistress of Phu Loi primary school in Thu Dau Mot city. Therefore, she has always dedicated her ability to the work.  

“Over the past 33 years, I have worked by my heart and dedication and ambition”, she said. After graduation, she was assigned to teach at a remote school in Minh Hoa commune of Dau Tieng district. She told “Every time has joys. Teachers in remote schools live together in collective houses and pupils often hang on teachers. Meanwhile, parents often grant fresh vegetables to teachers. Without the love, I perhaps did not cement to this job”.

Thuy always considers “heart” as a very important significance for teachers. For primary pupils, teachers must behave them by their heart. Teachers’ joy is to witness their pupils to write beautiful letters and reach good academic results, etc.

After receiving a new task of being headmistress of Phu Loi primary school, she faced many difficulties such as shortage of material facilities, manpower, etc. By her heart, she managed to improve those obstacles. Therefore, despite difficulties, she has still completed her missions. In order to create a united collective, she is always close to teachers in a bid to learn about their aspiration.

Attaching to the cause of raising humans by her whole life, Thuy has greatly contributed to the society. However, she remains modest and says that her achievements are smaller than her colleagues’. And, every day goes by, she has to perfect herself to go on the precious work.

Enthusiasm, ambition and heart have helped Thuy attach long till today and dedicate her whole life to the teaching cause. Her biggest desire is to witness her pupil generations having a solid knowledge and morality to be useful people for the society.

Reported by T.Thao – Translated by A.C       

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