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Thanh Le Company pays over VND1,750bil to State budget

Update: 17-03-2011 | 00:00:00

Thanh Le Trade – Import-Export Company yesterday held the 10th congress for employees 2011 with the participation of the provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung.


The provincial People’s Committee chairman Le Thanh Cung honors Thanh Le company’s collectives and individuals.

In 2010, the company reached good results, reaching VND11,737bil in revenue and paying over VND1,750bil to the State budget. Petrol and oil are the key items of the company with distribution network across 13 Southern provinces and cities and 9 Northern provinces, winning over 90% of the company’s turnover.

The company employees have enjoyed an average income of VND5.5mil per capita per month. The company spent over VND4bil for social charity in the past year.

Addressing the congress, Cung applauded the company’s efforts and hoped that the company will continue improving obstacles and challenges in the coming time.

At the event, the company received emulation flag from the local People’s Committee and the company director was awarded the title of “2010 national emulation soldier”…

Reported by N.Trinh – Translated by A.C

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