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The 11th Binh Duong Provincial Trade Union Congress: Continue to improve the quality of care for union members and workers

Update: 23-09-2023 | 12:32:25

With the theme "Innovation, democracy, solidarity, development", the 11th Binh Duong Provincial Trade Union Congress, term 2023-2028, officially opened on September 22. The congress was attended by Nguyen Minh Triet, former Politburo member and former President; Nguyen Dinh Khang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor; Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly delegation; Nguyen Hoang Thao, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Vo Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Van Loc, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Members of the Provincial Party Standing Committee; former leaders of the province, Provincial Confederation of Labor; and 550 official delegates representing more than 834,000 workers, civil servants, and union members throughout the province.

Delegates elect the Executive Committee of Binh Duong Labor Confederation, 11th term, 2023-2028 tenure.

Strongly turn towards the grassroots

Presenting a report at the congress, Nguyen Kim Loan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Confederation of Labor, said that during the past term, under the leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Confederation of Labor, the attention and support of the government, of departments, branches, branches, socio-political organizations, associations, Binh Duong Trade Union continued to have many innovations in its operations, focus strongly on the grassroots. The work of representing, caring for, and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of trade union members, workers, especially women workers, and workers living in difficult circumstances was emphasized and had many outstanding activities, namely, negotiation activities, dialogues, implementation of democratic regulations at the grassroots level in enterprises; legal consultancy in court..., contributing to ensuring legal and legitimate benefits for employees; strengthen harmonious and stable labor relations between employees and employers.

Programs, like "Union member welfare", "Tet reunion", "Tet union market", "Kindness trip", "Worker's month"... received special attention and were implemented effectively by trade unions at all levels, creating diffusion and enhancing the position and reputation of trade unions. The development of trade union membership, building strong trade unions, participating in building the Party, State and political system was done effectively. The Provincial Trade Union regularly pays attention to training and fostering trade union officials, especially trade union officials specialized in the theory and profession of trade union work, contributing to improving political bravery and working capacity; and build a team of dedicated and responsible trade union officials with the labor movement and trade union activities... Coordination with the government, all levels and branches was carried out regularly, with more and more practical activities through jointly organizing dialogue conferences and meetings between provincial leaders and union members and workers every year; organize programs to visit and encourage union members and workers having difficult circumstances...

Assessing the activities during the past term, Nguyen Dinh Khang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, recognized and praised the important achievements of Binh Duong province's trade unions at all levels in the membership development, introducing outstanding members to the Party; representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees; caring for union members, employees...

“I highly appreciate movements of patriotic emulation, good workers, and creative workers of all levels of trade unions in Binh Duong province. The movements have been extensively carried out, with 15,000 projects and initiatives, bringing a profit of nearly 1,000 billion VND for businesses and agencies, units in the province," Khang emphasized.

The Chairman of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor also recommended that all levels of trade unions in Binh Duong province need to focus on well implementing Action Program No. 02 of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on implementing Resolution 02-NQ/TW of the Politburo on innovating the organization and activities of the Vietnam Trade Union in the new situation; continue to closely follow the leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, focus on innovating trade union activities; promote the propaganda of the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws to employees...

Contribute to building Binh Duong sustainable development

Speaking at the congress, Nguyen Van Loi, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly delegation, said that over the past five years, trade unions at all levels in the province continuously grown and matured in all aspects, regularly consolidate and perfect its organization and develop union members. The content and operating methods of the trade union have many innovations, gain effectiveness, focus on the grassroots; operational quality is increasingly clear and practical.

The Secretary of Provincial Party Committee acclaimed and assessed that trade unions at all levels in the province performed well the work of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and workers; focused on propaganda, advocacy, and education, contributing to building a new generation of workers meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization. In particular, the trade union organization, together with the political system, implemented diverse activities to care for members and workers’ lives in an effective and practical way, especially in the especially difficult and dangerous period of the Covid-19 pandemic. On behalf of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee, Loi congratulated, respectfully praised and appreciated the efforts in the labor movements and activities of all-level trade union in recent times.

The Provincial Party Secretary emphasized that the new Executive Committee needs to continue to improve the quality of activities to care for the material and mental lives of union members and workers; step by step build a civilized, modern and safe living, working, studying, playing and entertainment environment, helping employees feel secure, committed and truly happy when living and working in Binh Duong.

The Provincial Party Secretary requested that the entire political system, trade unions at all levels and the business community pay attention to properly, fully and promptly implementing policies for workers; urgently carry out investment in social housing and worker housing projects according to the Provincial Party Committee's resolution, by 2030 there will be an additional 170,000 houses; Of which, by 2025, there will be about 40,000 new houses, and from 2025-2030, there will be 130,000 new houses; at the same time, gradually instruct, request and encourage people to renovate and upgrade the lodging house system for workers in the province.

In addition, it is important to invest in fields, like: culture, health care, education, and a system of high-quality cultural institutions to best serve employees and their children; focus on training and retraining for the workforce to constantly improve qualifications and skills to meet job requirements in new conditions, especially while businesses are gradually transforming into 4.0 technology, transitioning to automated and intelligent production models.

Trade unions at all levels in the province must continue to consolidate and strengthen their organizations; carry out more effectively the work of developing union members and grassroots trade unions; increase training, fostering, and building a team of trade union officials with good political courage, moral qualities, responsibility, and dedication; have professional qualifications and skills to meet task requirements in the new situation.

“I suggest that, in the new term, trade unions at all levels in the province must promote digital transformation from development and management to information, legal propaganda and implementation of policies for workers and employees; be determined to further improve the quality of union operations through digital transformation," the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee gave direction.

The Provincial Party Secretary also hopes that the new term Executive Committee would continue to carry out more effectively and practically the political and ideological education; regularly propagate and mobilize workers and employees to actively work and study to improve their qualifications, professional skills, sense of discipline, cultural lifestyle, and industrial style; maintain political courage, along with the implementation of political tasks of agencies, localities and units; really become the core force, taking the lead in implementing socio-economic development goals, meeting the development requirements of the province in the coming time.

Loi also asked trade unions at all levels in the province to focus on effectively organizing emulation movements, improvement initiatives, and innovations among civil servants and workers with suitable contents and forms to arouse and strongly promote the innovation movement in the business community and the workforce. To create conditions for employees to exercise their right to mastery, work creatively, stick together, accompany the development of businesses and enjoy practical benefits, corresponding to their contributions to businesses and Binh Duong province…

With the spirit of "Innovation, democracy, solidarity, development for the rights and interests of union members and workers, for the sustainable development of Binh Duong province", the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee believes in the 2023-2028 tenure, Binh Duong Provincial Trade Union will have a new, more comprehensive development step, making an important contribution to the Party, government and people in the province in overcoming difficulties and challenges, successfully completing goals and tasks; build Binh Duong for sustainable development, becoming a civilized, modern, and meaningful urban area...

Reported by Ho Van - Translated by Ngoc Huynh

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