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The impression of volunteerism

Update: 05-09-2023 | 16:15:34

For more than 8 hours traveling from Thu Dau Mot city to Ea Bar commune in Buon Don district of Dak Lak province, the bus carried a team of young volunteers under the name of the provincial Youth Union's Ky Nghi Hong – Hoa Phuong Do Campaign heading to Le Van Tam Primary School at Ea Bar commune and camping down after 23 hours of the day.

Volunteer team is giving gifts to people in difficult circumstances at Ea Bar commune

Youthful enthusiasm

Every volunteer day at Ea Bar commune, a team of 28 young people gathered and participated in the flag-raising ceremony before performing any tasks. The flag-raising ceremony with its sacred moments aroused enthusiasm and desire for dedication in each of them, also an opportunity for the commanding board and soldiers to tighten solidarity and attachment, at the same time, encouraging the squad to excel in projects and tasks at Ea Bar commune.

Immediately after showing their determination, the team divided into groups to repair people's houses and to build toilets at the community cultural house of Village 15. With the motto heart winning, remembrance and trust, the volunteer members have promoted their youthful energy to participate in building works to help local people. Even though the weather was quite erratic, despite the hot sun or sudden rains, Binh Duong youth still enthusiastically carried out the projects and tasks until everyone was drenched in sweat, which was unable to engulf their youthful smiles.

In addition to implementing projects, the volunteer also prepared 1,000 meals for ethnic minority children at Ea Bar commune. During the cooking sessions for the children, they were very excited to quickly prepare the fresh and clean food so that the children could have better meals. At Le Van Tam Primary School, the food on the table was clean and delicious as the volunteer served the children delicious meals and chatted happily.

Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong, a member in the squad, shared: "I joined the squad because I really like volunteering in areas of hardship. Coming here, I can do something to help people and I feel more value in life from simple things that I could do."

At Ea Bar commune, volunteers from the team "Young Intellectuals volunteer to participate in building new rural areas" in Binh Duong province also organized gift giving to children in difficult circumstances. Volunteer come to the children's homes to check on their health, family life and encourage them to be good and study well. During these volunteer days, they also taught, organized summer activities, games, necessary skill building for children and gave them gifts.

With the desire to take care of children in areas of hardship, Binh Duong youths brought love to them in every meal and every small gifts. “The volunteer team are all new friends who met each other during the campaign but are very united like brothers and sisters. After a day of volunteering, each did one thing to have a happy "family" meal. The volunteer trip would forever be an unforgettable memory for each of the Binh Duong youth team coming to the friendly and lovely Ea Bar people," said Pham Ngoc Bao, a member of the team.

Ms. H'Giang Niê, Secretary of Dak Lak provincial Youth Union, said: "Dak Lak provincial Youth Union highly appreciated the affection of Binh Duong provincial Youth Union and the volunteer coming to Dak Lak people. They have coordinated to effectively implement the works at Ea Bar commune to learn and understand more about the national culture of the Central Highlands people in general and Buon Don district in particular; at the same time, they had been leaving a beautiful marks in the hearts of local people.”

Unaging aspirations

After the visit and meeting with leaders of Dak Lak provincial Youth Union and Binh Duong provincial Youth Union, on continuing to carry out projects and tasks, Binh Duong's youth volunteer squad was present at Ea Bar Commune Cultural House to prepare the booths and musical performances to serve local people. Along with the blue shirt of the Union was the color of the young doctors and nurses of the provincial Young Doctors Association accompanying the "I love my Fatherland" Festival organized by Binh Duong provincial Youth Union. After a quick lunch with boxed lunches, young doctors and nurses quickly prepared free medical examinations for people.

Although it was not time for the program to begin, people in the commune came in large numbers and crowded the hall of the commune's cultural house. At 14:00, the performance of singing, dancing, and folk songs at the opening of the "I love my Fatherland" Festival made the atmosphere lively. In just a short time of rehearsal, the youth volunteer of Binh Duong province with efforts has brought to the people exciting cultural performances and filled the atmosphere of exchange, spreading the beauty of culture.

"How many people, join hands to build a life, believe in a bright Vietnam"-  the lyrics of the song "Viet Nam oi" echoing from the Binh Duong volunteer, have expressed the aspirations of the youths in joint hands to build a beautiful homeland. People in the commune who came to watch the program were very excited with enthusiastic applause, which was encouragement and great joy to inspire the spirit of Binh Duong youth volunteerism.

Nguyen Thanh Phi, a student at Thu Dau Mot University, a member who joined the squad, said: "Participating in the festival, I am very happy to integrate with the culture of the people of Ea Bar commune and with my friends dedicating youth to serve ethnic minorities."

At the festival, the Standing Committee of Binh Duong provincial Youth Union gave many gifts to people in difficult circumstances. In addition, people can also got free medical examination, bought necessities at the booths of VND-0  or got free haircuts. The "I love my country" Festival has spread widely among the young generation about love for the homeland, the country to preserve and promote traditional cultural and heritage values, contributing to socio-economic development, improving the material and spiritual life of ethnic minorities.

In the campaign of Ky Nghi Hong – Hoa Phuong Do – the Youth Journey for the Fatherland border in 2023, the Standing Board of Binh Duong provincial Youth Union has implemented works at Ea Bar commune of Buon Don district in Dak Lak province like preparing 1,000 meals for 200 children in difficult circumstances, building new toilet in the community cultural house, repairing people's houses,medical examination, medicine distribution, and gifts for 200 people, donating 20 gifts to ethnic minority children, planting 50 yellow bells, organizing a VND-0 market fair, visiting and giving gifts to Vietnamese heroic mothers and socially privileged families, donating 3 water filters, organizing a pavilion to advise children on oral health and protection among others. The total value of the works and parts was VND 210 million.

Reported by Kim Tuyen – Translated by Vi Bao

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